The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

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forces, and especially for our men and women in uniform who this very moment are
risking their lives for their country and for all of us.
May God bless and protect each and every one of them. And may God bless the
United States of America. Thank you very much.

SOURCE: George Bush Presidential Library,


Hussein Announces the

Withdrawal of Iraqi Forces

from Kuwait

FEBRUARY26, 1991

In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate. O great people; O stalwart men
in the forces of holy war and faith, glorious men of the mother of battles; O zealous,
faithful and sincere people in our glorious nations, and among all Muslims and all vir-
tuous people in the world; O glorious Iraqi women:

... We start by saying that on this day, our valiant armed forces will complete
their withdrawal from Kuwait.... It was an epic duel which lasted for two months,
which came to clearly confirm a lesson that God has wanted as a prelude of faith,
impregnability and capability for the faithful, and a prelude of an [abyss], weakness
and humiliation which God Almighty has wanted for the infidels, the criminals, the
traitors, the corrupt and the deviators.
To be added to this time is the time of the military and nonmilitary duel, includ-
ing the military and the economic blockade, which was imposed on Iraq and which
lasted throughout 1990 until today, and until the time God Almighty wishes it to last.
Before that, the duel lasted, in other forms, for years before this period of time.
It was an epic struggle between right and wrong; we have talked about this in detail
on previous occasions.
It gave depth to the age of the showdown for the year 1990, and the already
elapsed part of the year 1991.
Hence, we do not forget, because we will not forget this great struggling spirit, by
which men of great faith stormed the fortifications and the weapons of deception and
the Croesus [Kuwaiti rulers] treachery on the honorable day of the call. They did what
they did within the context of legitimate deterrence and great principled action.
All that we have gone through or decided within its circumstances, obeying God’s
will and choosing a position of faith and chivalry, is a record of honor, the signifi-
cance of which will not be missed by the people and nation and the values of Islam
and humanity.


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