The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1


Turkish Embassy Announcement

of a Coup (1980)


A military takeover has taken place in Turkey in the early hours of September 12,
Turkish time.
A National Security Council under the Chairmanship of General Kenan Evren,
Chief of General Staff, has been established. Members of this Council are the Chiefs
of the four Services, Ground, Air, Naval and Gendarmerie. General Haydar Saltik has
been appointed as the Secretary General of this Council. Martial Law has been declared
throughout the country.
The following are the highlights from the Communiqués issued by this Council,
as well as the statement of General Evren to the nation:

The Turkish Armed Forces, in face of the vital dangers confronting the territorial
integrity and national unity of the Republic of Turkey has taken over the Government
and has established complete control of the entire country. The Turkish Armed Forces
has undertaken this historic task, which the overwhelming majority of the Turkish
nation expected and yearned, with a great responsibility and love for the country. This
historic task is entrusted to the Turkish Army by the Internal Service Law.
In carrying out this task the members of the Armed Forces have acted and will
act free from all personal interests and ambitions, with a superior sense of discipline,
and great determination to strive and succeed for the preservation of a free and inde-
pendent Turkish Republic based on Ataturk’s principles.
The Republic of Turkey, committed to all its alliances and treaties including
NATO, is resolved to develop economic, social and cultural relations on the principles
of equality and reciprocal respect for independence and non-interference in the inter-
nal affairs of others with all countries, in particular with her neighbors.
The present Parliament and the Government have been abolished. The Turkish
Armed Forces are devoted to the free democratic parliamentary system. Therefore they
commit themselves to a speedy restoration of the democratic process.
A new Constitution, electoral law and a law on political parties, befitting the Turk-
ish nation, will be prepared and parallel arrangements to these will be taken so that
the degeneration of the free democratic parliamentary system, as has recently been the
case, prevented. It will transfer the administration of the country to a freely elected
Until these preparation[s] are completed, all political activities at all levels are sus-
pended. Political activities will resume... sufficiently ahead of time before the elec-
tions, the time and conditions of which will be later announced. No action will be
taken against the members of the Parliament unless they adopt an attitude constituting
a crime against the new Administration. However, those members of the Parliament
who in the past have under the laws committed crime, will be prosecuted. Leaders of


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