The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

The youth, besides the treasure of the country, is the source of our dynamism and
potential for change. We will support cultural, artistic and supporting activities for our
youth. The central administration should play a regulating and coordinating role in
such services. Local administrations, cooperating with the private sector and volunteer
organisations will provide these services....

Foreign Policy

The government will pursue an objective, unbiased and realist foreign policy based on
reciprocal interests, and it will respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all
Turkey has to redefine its foreign policy priorities in line with changing regional and
global realities and set up a new balance with these realities and national interests.
Turkey has close relations with Europe both in respect of geography and also in
respect of history. Therefore, the relations with European countries will continue to
occupy the highest level at Turkey’s foreign policy agenda.
Turkey’s full EU membership is the fundamental goal of our administration.
Therefore, the government will endeavour to start accession talks with the EU after
Turkey’s candidacy in [the] EU enlargement process is reconfirmed. It is without doubt
that Turkey’s getting the place it deserves in the EU family will bring benefits to both
sides and create positive results for the peace, stability and security beyond the Euro-
pean continent as well.
Within this framework, the EU adjustment laws adopted by the Parliament will
be strengthened in respect to basic rights and freedoms. We will also attach impor-
tance to training studies to fully put these reforms into practice....
The government will launch efforts to decrease the tension between religions and
cultures which started to escalate following the September 11 attack and it will actively
be involved in endeavours to form an atmosphere of global peace.
Our cooperation with the U.S.[,] which exists for a long time and which deals
mainly with defense issues, will continue. This cooperation will also spread to econ-
omy, investment, science and technology....
Turkey has concerns regarding the uncertainty vis-á-vis its neighbour Iraq. The
government attributes particular importance to the territorial integrity of Iraq and the
protection of its political unity. Spoiling Iraq’s territorial integrity will change
all the balances in the Middle East. The Government wants [the] Iraqi administration
to fully implement the U.N. resolutions and a peaceful solution to this problem....

SOURCE:Office of the Prime Minister of Turkey, Directorate General of Press and Information, http://www.byegm.


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