The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Brahimi, Lakhdar, 599
Brandeis, Louis, 24
Bremer, L. Paul, III, 511–512
Brezhnev, Leonid
background, 570–571
death of, 582
invasion of Afghanistan, TASS
interview, 577–580
Britain. SeeGreat Britain
British Zionist Federation, 23
Brown, Harold, 120
al-Aqsa intifada statistics, 280
first intifada statistics, 192–193
Bulganin, Nikolai, 82
Bunche, Ralph, 73
Bush, George H. W.
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, 443
Madrid Conference, excerpts of
opening statement, 139–142
Middle East peace plan, 138–139
Persian Gulf War
commencement, excerpts from
televised address, 461–462
comment on end, 466
Operation Desert Storm
commencement, excerpts from
televised address, 458–461
suspension of combat, excerpts
from televised address,
Bush, George W.
Afghanistan, invasion of
background, 598
overview, 567
start of operations, statement on,
Hizballah-Israeli War, position on,
Iraq War
motives, 487
postwar “surge” in troops
announcement, text of speech,
background, 534
speech in Ohio warning of threat,

speech to UN General Assembly,
Israeli settlements, 181
Mitchell Report findings, 288
Palestinian state, creation of, 298
threat of sanctions against Syria, 359
UN General Assembly Resolution
3379, repeal, 116
Butler, Richard, 475

Cambon, Paul, 14–16
Camp David peace process
Arab-Israeli peace talks
background, 18, 118–121, 131
Framework for Conclusion of Peace
Treaty between Egypt and Israel
background, 120
text, 122–123
Framework for Peace in the Middle
background, 120
text, 123–127
overview, 40
Treaty of Peace between Egypt and
Israel, text, 128–131
Caradon, Lord, 110
Carter, Jimmy
Camp David peace process
background, 18, 118–121
overview, 40
Dubs assassination, response, 569
election of, 118
Iranian hostage crisis
background, 384, 385
news conference, 387–390
Khomeini denouncement, text of
speech, 386–387
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
address, 575–577
response to, 570
support of Shah of Iran, 379–380
Carter Doctrine, 570
Chamoun, Camille, 328
Chemical weapons. SeeWeapons of mass
destruction (WMDs)
Cheney, Dick, 445, 487, 616

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