The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

League of Nations (continued)
background, 25–27, 42
Balfour Declaration and, 24, 26
passage, 27
text, 27–33
Lebanese National Movement, 331
See also Hizballah
boundaries, 5
civil war
background, 331–332
overview, 328–329
Riyadh Conference, excerpts of
statement, 332–334
creation of, 327
French colonialism, 26, 327
government representation based on
religion, 327–328, 331–332
Green Line, 332
Hizballah-Israeli War. SeeHizballah-
Israeli War
Israeli invasion
background, 131, 332, 334–337
Begin speech, 337–339
overview, 40, 328
Israeli withdrawal of troops
approval, text of resolution,
background, 277, 354–356
overview, 329
UN secretary-general press
statement, 358
UN secretary-general report, 357
1948 Arab-Israeli War, armistice, 74
National Covenant of 1943, 327
overview, 327–331
parliamentary elections (2005),
PLO involvement, 328, 331, 334–335
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 13–14
Syrian intervention, 328–329, 332
“war of liberation,” 345
Syrian withdrawal of troops
background, 359–361
overview, 329
UN Security Council Resolution
1559, text, 361–362

UN Security Council statement,
Taif Accord
background, 346–354
National Reconciliation Charter,
U.S. involvement
background, 87, 339–340
Reagan address to nation, 341–343
Reagan statement, 343–344
LEHI, 56, 57
Lenin, Vladimir, 23

MacDonald, Ramsay, 43
MacMichael, Harold, 56
Madrid conference
background, 116, 138–139, 213
opening statement by Bush (G.H.W.),
overview, 40
Majali, Abdul Salam, 143
al-Maliki, Nuri, 528–529
March 14 Coalition, 360
Maronites, 5, 327, 331
Massoud, Ahmed Shah, 593, 594, 599
Mazen, Abu. SeeAbbas, Mahmoud
McFarlane, Robert C., 432
McMahon, Henry
background, 8–9
correspondence with Hussein, 10–12
overview, 3–4
Mehlis, Detlev, 361
Meir, Golda
collapse of government, 113
Palestinian state
background, 175
statement by, 176–178
Menderes, Adnan, 640
Meshel, Khaled, 206
Mesopotamia, 417
Military buildups
Iran, 379, 439
Iraq, 431, 439
United States, 599
Military coups
Afghanistan, 566


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