The Contemporary Middle East. A Documentary History

(backadmin) #1

Iraq, postwar policy
background, 511–512, 532–534
troop surge
background, 534
Bush (G. W.) announcement, text
of speech, 557–561
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. SeePersian
Gulf War
Iraq War. SeeIraq War
Israel, financial aid to, 121
Lebanon, involvement in
background, 339–340
Reagan address to nation, 341–343
Reagan statement, 343–344
oil embargo, 114–115
Operation Desert Fox, 475
September 11, 2001, attacks. See
September 11, 2001, attacks
Suez crisis
background, 80–83
overview, 38
UNSCOM. SeeUnited Nations Special
UNSCOP (United Nations Special
Committee on Palestine), 58
UN Security Council
See also specific resolutions
Bonn Agreement and, 600
Iranian nuclear programs, 405–406
June 1967 War, Eban’s statement,
Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon
background, 359–360
statement on, 362–364
UN Security Council Resolution 242
background, 97–98, 109–111
overview, 39
passage, 111
text, 111–112
UN Security Council Resolution 338
background, 113–115
overview, 39
passage, 115
text, 115
UN Security Council Resolution 425,
355, 357
UN Security Council Resolution 426, 357

UN Security Council Resolution 598
background, 433, 437
Iran’s acceptance, 438
Khamenei letter of acceptance,
passage, 434
text, 434–435
UN Security Council Resolution 605,
UN Security Council Resolution 660
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 446
UN Security Council Resolution 661
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 447–448
UN Security Council Resolution 665
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 450–451
UN Security Council Resolution 678
background, 444
passage, 446
text, 454–455
UN Security Council Resolution 687
background, 466–467, 473
passage, 467
text, 468–473
UN Security Council Resolution 688,
UN Security Council Resolution 715,
UN Security Council Resolution 986
background, 475–476
passage, 476
text, 478–479
UN Security Council Resolution 1151
background, 511
passage, 512
text, 512–516
UN Security Council Resolution 1261,
UN Security Council Resolution 1333,
UN Security Council Resolution 1386,

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