America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1
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Michael L. Tripoli and the United States at War: A
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Kato, Tateo

(1904–May 22, 1942)
Japanese Army Fighter Pilot


opularly hailed as
the “War God,”
Kato was the most
celebrated pilot of the
Imperial Japanese Army
Air Force in World War II.
He put up formidable op-
position to the famous
Flying Tigers in Burma
before losing his life in a
minor skirmish.
Tateo Kato was born
in Japan in 1904, the son
of a soldier. His father,
Tetsuo Kato, was killed in
the Russo-Japanese War
of that year, which
spurred his orphan son to
himself seek a military
career. Accordingly, Kato
graduated from the Impe-
rial Army Military Acad-
emy in July 1925, with
dreams of becoming a
pilot. He next underwent
flight training at Toko-
rozawa in May 1927 and proved so gifted a
flier that he performed demonstration flights
for the graduating audience. Kato was then

posted with the Sixth
Hiko Rentai (flight regi-
ment) in Pyongyang,
Korea. For several years
thereafter, he served as a
flight instructor at several
fighter schools, and by
1936 he had advanced
to squadron commander.
The Sino-Japanese War
erupted in July 1937, and
Kato, flying Kawasaki
Ki 10 biplanes, distin-
guished himself by down-
ing four Russian-made
Polikarpov I-15s on March
25, 1938. Soon after, his
unit was equipped with
the modern Nakajima
Ki 27 monoplane fighters
and Japanese air su-
premacy over China was
complete. By May 1938,
Kato’s unit had claimed
39 enemy craft for a loss
of only three Ki 27s—
with Kato himself claiming four more kills. He
then rotated back to Japan with a final tally of
nine, which made him the leading ace of the

Tateo Kato
Author’s Collection
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