America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1


Aachen, Germany, 34
Abenaki Indians, 521–522
Abercromby, James, 60, 62, 86,
172, 402, 483, 518
Abercromby, Ralph, 73, 79
Abrams, Creighton W., 187, 319
Adair, John, 294, 361
Adams, John, 266
Adams, Samuel, 174, 481
Admiralty, First Lord of, 237–239
African Americans, 529–531
incentive to fight, 112
intermarriage with Florida
Indians, 326–327, 358
last shot at Bunker Hill, 398
Lord Dunmore’s Ethiopian
Regiment, 341
murdered soldiers at Fort
Pillow, 164
provoking to rebellion, 116
as soldiers, 105–106
Afrika Korps, 45, 230, 343, 435
Al Agheila, Battle of, 45
Aguinaldo, Emilio, xi, 1–2, 335
Air force, British. SeeRoyal Air
Air force, German. See
Airborne warfare, 35–36,
Battle of Britain, 36, 177,
194–195, 229, 273–274
bombardment of Iraq, 247
Vietnam, 185–186
Akagi(Japanese carrier), 170
Alam Haifa, Battle of, 45
El Alamein, Battle of, 22, 45
Alamo, Battle of, 454
Albany, New York, 484
Albemarle, Earl of, 172
Alcide(French warship), 238
Alcoholism, 133–134, 154–156,
298, 307, 418, 471–472
Alexander, Edward Porter, 3–5
Alexander, Harold, 465
Allen, Ethan, 24, 88, 91, 208, 256,
Alliance(Continental frigate),

Allied movements
beating back Ludendorff, 310
bombardment of Monte
Cassino, 465
Hitler’s military technology,
invasion of Italy, 274–275
Japanese strafing of Allied
aircraft, 269
Meuse-Argonne offensive,
178–179, 225–372
Netherlands campaigns, 330
Normandy invasion, 45–46,
143, 230, 254, 372, 436–437,
North Africa campaigns, 230,
274, 435–436
Operation Anvil/Dragoon, 58
victory at Saint-Lô, 280
Alligator, 6–7,327, 530
Almond, Edward, 380
American Horse, x, 7–9, 152
American Revolution. See
Revolutionary War
American Volunteer Group. See
Flying Tigers
Amherst, Jeffrey, 63, 97, 173, 207,
240, 292, 333, 402
Amherstburg, Canada, 74, 190,
Amiens, Treaty of, 127
Anabuki, Satoshi, 9–11
Anderson, Richard Heron
“Fighting Dick,” 11–13
Anderson, Robert, 161, 244
Anderson, William “Bloody Bill,”
xi, 14–15,414–415
Andre, John, 16–18,26–28, 109,
204, 242, 420–422, 429
Andros, Edmund, 287
Anglican Church, 512–513
Anson, George, 237
Antietam, Battle of, 155, 191,
232, 489
Hill’s stand at, 222
Lee’s strong defense at, 285
Longstreet’s success at, 299
Texas Brigade at, 236
Antwerp raid, 143

Apache Canyon, 472
Apache Indians, 37–38, 110–111,
304, 472
Apache Pass, Battle of, 111, 316,
Apache War Chiefs. See
Appendix A for listing
Appling, Daniel, 539
Appomattox, surrender at, 192,
220, 286, 300
Arango, Doroteo. SeeVilla,
Arbuthnot, Marriot, 18–20,109,
118, 125–126, 201
Ardennes offensive, 58–59, 231,
254, 319
Allied versus German air
power, 177
Peiper’s role in, 371–373
Rommel’s tactics at, 435
Skorzeny’s Operation Grief,
Armstrong, John, 160, 337
Arnhem, Battle of, 330
Arnim, Hans-Jurgen “Dieter,”
21–23,230, 274, 318, 436
Arnold, Benedict, 24–26, 109
Andre and, 16–18
Bemis Heights, 431
Burgoyne and, 83, 390
Butler’s court martial, 89
Fort Stanwix raid, 258
Freeman’s Farm, 85
Margaret Arnold and, 26–28
murder of Simon Fraser, 166
routing Butler’s Indians, 87
siege of Quebec, 98
Simcoe’s Queen’s Rangers,
southern campaigns, 19–20
Arnold, Margaret, xii, 16, 25–26,
Aroostook War, 213
Artillery commanders
Magruder, John Bankhead,
Pelham, John, 373–375
Phillips’s skills as, 389–390
Ashby, Turner, xi, 28–29,64, 249
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