America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Ashe, John, 404
Aspinwall, Thomas, 407
attempt on Hitler, 330
Eisenhower plot, 480
Hindman, Thomas
Carmichael, 227
Red Cloud’s assassination of
Chief Bull Bear, 423
Yusuf Karamanli’s brother, 266
Atkinson, Henry, 54
Atlanta campaign, 227, 236
Augusta, Georgia, 92
Austria, annexation of, 229
Austro-Prussian War (1866), 223
Avery, James, 94

Bacon, Nathaniel, 30–32
Bacon’s Rebellion, 30–32
Baden, Max von, 310
Bader, Douglas, 177
Bahamas, 341
Bainbridge, William, 77, 266
Baker, Edward D., 155
Balck, Hermann, xi, 33–34,58,
Ball’s Bluff, Virginia, 154–155
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,
Baltimore, siege of, 79–80,
112–113, 116
Bancroft, George, 81
Banks, Nathaniel P., 29, 314–315,
410, 501
Bär, Heinz, 35–37,177, 195
Barbary pirates, x, 265–268
Barbary War, 266
Barboncito, 37–39, 321
Barclay, Robert Heriot, 39–42,
412, 538
Barney, Joshua, 116
Baron von Richthofen’s Flying
Circus, 193
Barren Hill, 200
Barron, Samuel, 267
Bascom, George N., 110, 316
Bataan Death March, 233, 235
Bath, Order of, 75, 92, 112, 151,
205, 207–208, 360, 499
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 71
Battles. Seeindividual battle

Baum, Friedrich, 42–44,84–85,
Bayerlein, Fritz, 44–46,143, 319,
Baylor, George, 205
Baynes, Edward, 406
Bearn Regiment, 401–403
Beauregard, Pierre G. T., 4, 12,
232, 249, 260, 409, 515
Belle Boyd and, 64
Bragg’s succession of, 66
First Battle of Rull Run, 47–48
Hill’s service under, 222
Jefferson Davis and, 139
mistrust of Evans, 156
siege of Fort Sumter, 154–155
Beaver Dams, Battle of, 158–160,
Bee, Barnard Elliott, 47–48,155,
249, 252
Beecher’s Island, Battle of, 493
Beer-hall putsch, 228
Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison
(Boyd), 65
Belle Isle, 241
Bemis Heights, Battle of, 166,
390, 431
Benjamin, Judah P., 304
Bennington, Battle of, 43–44
Bentonville, Battle of, 222, 232,
260, 305
Berkeley, William, 30–32
Bermuda Hundred, 232
Bienville, Jean-Baptiste Le
Moyne de, 48–50
Big Bethel, Virginia, 221, 231
Big Black River campaign,
Biochemical weapons, 248
Bird, Henry, 189
Bisshopp, Cecil, 51–52,159, 352,
Black Hawk, 53–54,133, 137,
399, 504
Black Hills, of South Dakota,
131, 476–477
Black Hills War. SeeLittle
Black Kettle, 55–56,152, 295,
432, 493
Black Rock raid, 52
Black Sea offensive, 196

Blaskowitz, Johannes von, xi,
34, 57–59,142, 254, 319,
Blitzkrieg warfare, xi, 229, 279
Bloody Boys, 159
Bloody Lane, 191
Bloomberg, Werner von, 271
Blue Jacket, 123, 190, 294, 503
Blue Licks, ambush at, 189
Blue Water, Nebraska, 219
Blunt, James, 415
Bock, Feodor von, 274, 279
Boerstler, Charles, 52, 159–160,
Bolon, A. J., 264
Bomb plot (1944), 272, 280, 465
Bond, William L., 49
Bonhomme Richard,367–368
Bonifacio, Andres, 1
Bonneville, Benjamin, 304
Bosque Redondo Reservation,
New Mexico, 38, 321–322
Boston, Massachusetts, 173–174,
Boston Tea Party (1773), 173,
Boudeuse(French frigate), 61
de Bougainville, Louis-Antoine,
59–61, 332
Bouquet, Henri, 207
de Bourlamaque, François-
Charles, x, 62–63, 332
Bowlegs, Billy, 7
Boxer Rebellion, xi, xii,
Boyd, Belle, 64–65
Boyd, John P., 52, 159, 338, 461
Bozeman Trail War, 8, 152, 416,
Braddock, Edward, 119, 129,
140, 172, 370, 518
Bradley, Omar N., 230, 280
Bradstreet, John, 86, 333
Bragg, Braxton, 66–67
Alexander and, 4
Anderson and, 12–13
antipathy toward, 71
Buena Vista, 455
Chickamauga, 300
Cleburne and, 105–106
defeat at Chattanooga, 260
Hill’s criticism of, 222


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