America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Hindman’s failure at
Chickamauga, 227
Hoke and, 232
Hood’s service under, 236
incompetence of, 139
Jefferson Davis’s saving of,
Nathan Bedford Forrest and,
Pillow’s service under, 395
Brandy Station, Battle of, 489
Brandywine Creek, Battle of,
157, 199, 204, 282, 473
Brant, Joseph, 68–69,87–89,
120, 189, 207–208, 256
admiration of John Norton,
campaign to take Albany, 484
Mohawk Valley raids, 258
Braun, Eva, 231
Breckinridge, John Cabell, xi,
69–72,226, 250, 395
Breslau(cruiser), 145
Brewster Buffalofighters, 269
Breymann, Heinrich, 44
Brezhnev, Leonid, 197
Brice’s Crossroads, Mississippi,
Bristoe Station, 220
Bristol Blenheimfighters, 270
alliance against Hitler, 229
expansion into Indian
territory, 122–123
German fighter pilots against,
offense against Barbary
pirates, 266
use of Hessians in the
American Revolution,
See alsoEnglish headings
Britain, Battle of, 36, 177,
194–195, 229, 273–274
British Naval Officers, 537–540
Brock, Isaac, x, 72–76, 504
criticism of George Prevost,
death at Queenston Heights,
Detroit campaign, 325, 351
enemy collaboration, 149

interest in Fitzgibbon, 159
military buildup in Canada,
Sheaffe’s service under, 467
Broke, Philip Bowes Vere, x,
Brooke, Arthur, 79–80, 113
Brooke, George M., 150
Brown, Jacob, 149, 151, 325, 538
Brown, John, 28, 251, 284
Brownshirts, 193
Brule Sioux Indians, 219
Brundidge, Harry, 511
Buchanan, Franklin, 81–82
Buchanan, James, 70, 161
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 162, 395
Budapest, siege on, 144
Buell, Don C., 66
Buffalo country, 365, 433, 459
Buford, John, 220, 250
Bulge, Battle of the. See
Ardennes offensive
Bull Run, Battle of, 4, 47–48, 138,
154, 260, 299, 373, 500
Bundeswehr, 466
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 83, 174,
Henry Clinton’s role, 107
Percy’s unwillingness to
participate in, 386
Pigot’s distinction at, 392
Pitcairn’s death at, 398
Burgoyne, John, 82–86,89,
209–210, 242
Arnold and, 25
Battle of Bennington, 43–44
capture of New York,
165–166, 390
Clinton and, 107, 109
Germain and, 181–182
Haldimand and, 207
Howe and, 241
Iroquois troops reinforcing,
move on Albany, 484
outbreak of American
Revolution, 174
promotion above Carleton, 98
the Riedesels and, 428,
and St. Leger, 485
surrender at Saratoga, 239

Burke, Arleigh A., 496
Burlington Heights, 212
Burlington Races, 538
Burnside, Ambrose, 4, 252, 285
Bush, George, 247–248
Bushwhackers, 14, 414
Bustamante, Anastacio, 453–454
Butler, Benjamin, 221, 232, 501
Butler, John, 86–88,88, 98, 120,
207–208, 256, 258, 484
Butler, Richard, 190
Butler, Walter, 69, 88, 88–90,
120, 256
Butler, Zebulon, 88
Butler’s Rangers, 86–87, 89

Cadillac, Lamothe de, 49
Cadwalader, John, 282
Calhoun, John C., 154
Callieres, François de, 520–521
Camden, South Carolina, 126,
421, 498
Camels, 138
Camp Charlotte, Treaty of, 123
Camp O’Donnell, 235
Campbell, Archibald, 90–92, 404
Campbell, John, 256
Arnold’s siege of Quebec,
Canadian-born English
officers, 148–151
d’Iberville in, 135–137
Grant’s dissatisfaction with,
Haldimand as governor in,
John Johnson’s Royal Greens,
Leisler’s attack on French
Canada, 288
Montcalm’s service in,
Niagara Peninsula, 527–529
Secord, Laura, 461–463
Upper Canada militia, 51–52
de Vaudreuil, Pierre de
Rigaud, 517–519
de Vaudreuil, Philippe de
Rigaud, 520–522
See alsoCarleton, Guy;
French and Indian War;


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