America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1
Clinch, Duncan L., 6, 327
Clinton, Henry, x, 107–110,205,
497, 514
Andre and, 16–18
appointment of Knyphausen
as commander in New
York, 282
Arnold and, 25–27
Battle of Bunker Hill, 241,
Battle of Charleston, 362–363
Battle of Long Island, 238–239
Battle of Rhode Island, 386,
Burgoyne’s battle plan, 83–84
Carleton as successor to, 99
Collier’s antipathy to, 118
Cornwallis and, 125
Ferguson as intelligence
officer, 157
Germain’s antipathy to, 181
Grant’s failure to protect, 200
Haldimand and, 207
James River raid, 289
O’Hara’s service under,
outbreak of American
Revolution, 174
von Prevost’s victory at
Savannah, 404
Rawdon-Hastings as aide-de-
camp to, 420
the Riedesels and, 429
sending Campbell to
Savannah, 91
Simcoe’s Queen’s Rangers,
southern campaigns, 19–20
Virginia Capes, 202
Cochise, 110–111,183, 316, 347,
Cochrane, Alexander Forester
Inglis, x, 80, 111–114,
115–116, 360
Cockburn, George, x, 79,
112–113, 114–117
Code Noir, 50
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,” 477,
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 168
Cold Harbor, siege of, 4, 71, 220,

Cold War, xi–xii, 196–198,
Coldstream Guards, 83, 107
Cole, Nelson, 433
Collier, George, 19, 117–119
Collins, Wayne M., 512
Colmar pocket, 58–59
Colonial governors. SeeEnglish
Colonial governors;
French Colonial governors
Colonial rebels, 30–32
Columbus, New Mexico, 524, 526
Comanche Indians, 235–236, 303,
Commissar Directive, 272
Communist ideology, 451
Communist Party (Vietnamese),
184, 187
Concord, Battle of. See
Lexington and Concord,
Battle of
Confederate admirals, 81–82
Confederate generals, xi, 14–15,
Confederate president, 137–139
Confederate spies, 64–65
Connecticut Farms, 283
Constitutionalists, Mexican, 526
Conventionalists, Mexican, 526
Cooke, Philip St. George,
471–472, 488
Coolidge, Calvin, 451
Cooper, James Fenimore, 333
Copenhagen, Battle of, 159
Coral Sea, Battle of, 170, 533
Corinth, Battle of, 409, 515
Corlaer, raid on, 135–136
Cornplanter, 84, 87, 89,
119–122,120, 207–208,
Cornstalk, 122–124,297–298,
340, 505
Cornwallis, Charles, x, 92,
Battles of Trenton and
Princeton, 242
Brandywine Creek, 282
defeat at Yorktown, 99
deterioration of southern
position, 19–20
Germain and, 182

Grant’s command of units,
Grey’s service to, 205
invasion of North Carolina,
Leslie’s reinforcement of, 290
O’Hara’s support of, 356
siege of Charleston, 421
successor to Arnold, 475
tension with Clinton, 109
Washington’s victory over,
Yorktown, 202
See alsoYorktown
Corps of Engineers, 284
Cosmopolitanmagazine, 511
Coulon de Villiers, Louis,
128–129, 130, 370
Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville,


129–130, 370
Arnold’s hanging of Butler, 89
Cervera, Pascual, 101–102
for drunkenness, 134, 155
Germain’s military
incompetence, 181
Homma’s part in Bataan
Death March, 235
McVay’s loss of the USS
Montojo’s loss of Manila Bay,
Pillow’s flight from Fort
Donelson, 395
Prevost’s defense of Canada,
Proctor’s loss of his army, 413
Sibley, Henry Hopkins, 472
Thomas Graves, 201
Cousens, Charles, 510
Covington, Leonard, 38
Cowpens, Battle of, 421, 498–499
Craig, James, 148
Craney Island, Virginia, 115
Crater, Battle of, 5
Crawford, William, 189
Crazy Horse, 8, 131–132,152,
295, 417, 476
Creek Indians, 322–324, 357–359,
Crete, Battle of, 167, 491


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