America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Crimean Peninsula, 196
Crittenden, George Bibb,
Crockett, Davey, 454
Croghan, George, 53, 412, 504
Crook, George, 8–9, 111
attack on Cheyenne, 131–132
Crazy Horse and, 477
Heth’s defeat by, 219
Nana’s surrender to, 348
subduing the Apaches, 183
Cross Keys, Battle of, 249
Cross of St. Louis, 62, 129,
Crow Indians, 261–262, 301
Crown Point garrison, 209
Crysler’s Farm, Battle of,
337–339, 441, 449
CSS Tennessee, 82
CSS Virginia(formerly USS
Merrimac),81–82, 244
Cuba, 100–101, 197, 241, 335
Culloden Moor, Battle of, 172,
Curtis, Samuel R., 409, 515
Curtiss Warhawkfighters, 269
Custer, George A., 8, 56, 131–132,
416, 424, 476–477, 494
Custer, Tom, 415, 417
Czechoslovakia, annexation of,

Dade, Francis L., 6, 327
Dale, Richard, 266, 368
Dalhousie University, 470
Daly, Dan, 104
D’Aquino, Filipe, 511
Das Reich (SS Motorized
Division), 217
Davis, Jefferson C., 96, 137–139,
antipathy to Price, 409
appointing Lee lieutenant-
colonel, 284284
attitude toward Pillow, 395
Bragg and, 66, 106
Breckinridge and, 71–72
Buena Vista, 455
capture of Black Hawk, 54
criticism of Joseph Johnston,
Evans and, 156

Forrest’s promotion, 163–164
Heth’s appointment, 219
Hindman’s campaign support
of, 226
Hoke’s promotion, 232
Hood’s criticism of Johnston,
Loring’s promotion, 304
McClellan’s advance on the
Virginia Peninsula,
reassignment of Pemberton,
relieving Floyd of command,
Richard Taylor and, 500–501
Sibley’s plan to conquer New
Mexico, 472
slaves as Confederate
soldiers, 227
vindictive behavior toward
Daniel Hill, 222
West Point program, 373
Dean, William F., 277
Dearborn, Henry, 52, 75, 160,
212, 449, 528
Death camps, 230
Decatur, Stephen, 77, 266–267
DeCou House, 159–160,
Deerfield, Massachusetts,
massacre, 521
Denison, George, 94
Dentonville, Marquis de, 168
Derby, Earl of, 83
Deserters, execution of, 59
D’Estang, Charles Hector
Theodat, 19
D’Estang, Charles-Henri Jean
Baptiste, 61
Destouches, Charles-Rene, 20
Detroit, capture of, 74, 209, 325,
Dever, Jacob, 58
Dewey, George, 335–336
Diaz, Porfirio, 525
D’Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne, x,
49, 135–137
Hitler, Adolf, 228–231
Hussein, Saddam, 246–248
Kim Il Sung, 275–278

Mussolini, Benito, 342–344
de Santa Anna, Antonio
López, 453–455
Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, 185–186
Dieskau, Jean-Armand, 86,
140–141,331, 518
Dietrich, Josef, xi, 45, 58,
142–144,229, 318–318,
Digby, Robert, 202
Dodge, Henry, 54
Dog Soldiers, 55–56, 152–154,
433, 493–494
Doniphan, Alexander William,
37, 320–321
Dönitz, Karl, 145–147,231, 254,
Doolittle, James H., 36, 176, 195,
230, 533
Downie, George, 539
Dragoons, 42–44, 154, 204, 240,
324–326, 497
Drewry’s Bluff, Battle of, 232
Drug addiction, Hermann
Göring’s, 194–195
Druggists, 105–107
Drummond, Gordon, x, 212, 339,
352, 407, 425, 450, 529, 539
Drummond, Gordon “Bulldog,”
Dudley, William, 412
Dueling, 478
Dull Knife, 152–154, 296
Dunkirk, 229
Dunmore, Lord. SeeMurray,
Dyess, Ed, 9

Eaker, Ira C., 195, 230
Early, Jubal A., 71, 191–192, 232,
250, 285, 300
East Indies, 92, 114–115, 234
Eastern Front, 279, 330
Eastern Tennessee, Department
of, 219
Eaton, William, 267
Egypt, service in, 305, 473
Eichelberger, Robert, 511
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 22, 230,
274, 435–436, 480, 512
Eldridge, Joseph C., 325
Elliott, Jesse Duncan, 40–41


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