America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Emancipation Proclamation, 341
Emathala, Charlie, 358, 530
Endicott, John, 457
Engineers, 90–92
England. See Britain
English army officers. See
Appendix A for listing
English colonial governors
Campbell, Archibald, 90–92
Carleton, Guy, 97–99
Haldimand, Frederick,
Hamilton, Henry, 189,
Murray, John, 123, 130,
297–298, 339–341, 449, 513
Tryon, William, 512–514
English generals. SeeAppendix
A for listing
English naval officers
Barclay, Robert Heriot, 39–42

Broke, Philip Bowes Vere,

Cochrane, Alexander
Forester Inglis, 111–114
Cockburn, George, 114–117
Collier, George, 117–119
Graves, Thomas, 201–203
Yeo, James Lucas, 538
English secretary of state,
English spies, 16–18, 26–28
Ethiopia, Mussolini’s attack on,
Eustis, William, 503
Eutaw Springs, Battle of,
Evans, John, 55
Evans, Nathan George “Shanks,”
Evans, Robley D., 102
Ewell, Richard S., 252, 285
Ewing, Thomas, 414
Rawdon’s execution of Isaac
Hayne, 421–422
Sandino, 452
by Santa Anna, 454
Yamashita, Tomoyuki, 536
Native American resistance
to, 53–54

Ohio frontier, 128
Quebec Act of 1774, 209
violations of Proclamation of
1763, 122–123
See alsoFrench and Indian
Explorers, 135–137
Ezra Church, 236

Fair Oaks. SeeSeven Pines
Falaise Pocket, 280, 330, 372
Falkenhayn, Erich von, 224, 309
Falkland Islands, 61
Fallen Timbers, Battle of, 123,
190, 503, 505
Family Compact, 160
Farmer’s Brother, 52
Farragut, David, 82, 307
Mussolini, 342–343
Nazi party, 193, 228, 329, 343,
443, 463–466, 478
Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick,
165, 180–181, 203, 427
Ferguson, Patrick, 126,
156–158,421, 474, 498
Ferguson rifle, 157
Fetterman, William J., 8, 131, 152
Fighter pilots. SeePilots
Filipino guerrillas. See
First American Regiment, 474
First Military District of South
Carolina, 156
First Mississippi Volunteers,
First North Carolina Volunteers,
221, 231
First Seminole War, 358
First Virginia Cavalry Regiment,
Fisher, William S., 133
Fishing Creek, South Carolina,
Fitzgibbon, James, 52, 158–160,
212, 461–462, 528–529
Flamborough Head, Battle of,
Flanders campaign, 198
Fletcher, Frank J., 346, 533

Florida: Second Seminole War, 6,
66, 259, 303, 326–328,
357–359, 530–531
Floyd, John Buchanan,
161–162,219, 395, 284284
Flying Tigers, 268–270
Flying Fortressbombers, 36
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 fighter, 36
Fokker Aircraft Company, 193
Fontainebleu, Treaty of, 50
Fontenoy, Battle of, 172, 180, 198
Food shortages
Sibley’s New Mexico Army,
Sitting Bull’s coalition, 477
through buffalo hunting, 365
Upper Canada, 149, 441
Foote, Andrew Hull, 161–162
Ford, Gerald, 512
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 162,
163–164,376, 395,
501–502, 516
Forsyth, Benjamin, 311, 528
Fort Belknap, 471
Fort Bisland, Battle of, 472
Fort Carillon. SeeFort
Fort Craig, 472
Fort Defiance, 38, 321
Fort Donelson, 161–163, 394–395
Fort Duquesne, 128, 130, 172,
199, 333, 370
Fort Edward, 140–141
Fort Erie, siege of, 75, 150–151,
212, 526
Fort Frederic (Crown Point),
128, 140, 369
Fort Frontenac, 140, 167, 402
Fort George, 51–52, 75, 149–150,
159–160, 212, 325, 467
Fort Harrison, 232
Fort Henry, 161–162
Fort La Galette (Ogdensburg,
New York), 172–173
Fort Laramie, Treaty of, 8, 152,
Fort Maurepas, 136
Fort McHenry, 80, 113, 116
Fort Meigs, 53, 412, 504
Fort Miami, 190
Fort Moultrie, Treaty of, 358
Fort Necessity, 128, 130


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