America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Fort Niagara, 148–149, 255–256,
292, 333–334, 369, 390,
Fort Oswego, 89, 172, 518, 539
anticipating Johnson at Lake
George, 140
Bougainville’s success at, 60
Bourlamaque’s defense of, 62
Coulon at, 129
Harvey and Drummond at,
149, 212
Johnson’s Iroquois
conference, 256
Montcalm’s victory at, 332
Fort Pillow, 164
Fort Pitt, 189
Fort Randolph, 123
Fort Robinson, 153
Fort St. Joseph, 74
Fort Saybrook, 457
Fort Stanton, 523
Fort Stanwix, 87, 89, 120,
Fort Stedman, 192
Fort Stephenson, 412
Fort Sumter, 154–155, 226, 244,
Fort Ticonderoga, 24, 43, 60, 62,
84, 86, 238, 240, 256, 430
construction of, 140
Haldimand’s light cavalry
unit, 206
Levis’s support at, 292
Montcalm’s tactics at, 333
St. Leger and, 485
Fort Union, 472
Fort Washington, 282, 418
Fort Wayne, 506
Fort William Henry, 60, 129,
140–141, 291, 333
Fort Wise, 55
Foster, John G., 155
Fox tribe, 521
France, 273
alliance against Hitler, 229
attack on Newport, 19–20
Graves’s blunders against, 201
Vietnam War, 184–187
Virginia Capes, 202
Franco, Francisco, 343
Franco-Prussian War, 178, 223
Franklin, Benjamin, 238

Fraser, Simon, 85, 164–167,390,
428, 430
Fraser’s Chasseurs, 165
Fraser’s Highlanders, 91
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 4, 12,
232, 374, 489
Freeman’s Farm, Battle of, 25,
390, 431
Frémont, John C., 29, 409
French and Indian War, x, 257
Battle of Lake George,
capture of Girty’s family, 188
causes of, 129–130
fall of Fort Niagara, 333
Gage’s development of
woodland tactics,
Grant’s role in Fort Duquesne
siege, 199
Guy Johnson’s lacklustre
performance in, 255–257
Joseph Brant and, 68
Levis’s victories, 291–293
Native American supporters
of the French, 122–124
Pouchot’s distinction at Fort
Niagara, 401–403
preliminary skirmishes to,
SeeAppendix B for list of
participants; individual
French army officers
de Bourlamaque, François-
Charles, 62–63
Coulon de Villiers, Louis,
Dieskau, Jean-Armand,
French colonial governors,
de Bienville, Jean-Baptiste Le
Moyne, 48–50
Frontenac, Comte de, Louis
de Baude, 167–169
de Vaudreuil, Pierre de
Rigaud, 129, 207, 291–292,
332–333, 517–519, 522
de Vaudreuil, Philippe de
Rigaud, 520–522
French generals, 331–334

French naval officers
de Bienville, Jean-Baptiste Le
Moyne, 48–50
de Bougainville, Louis-
Antoine, 59–61
d’Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne,
49, 135–137
French Revolution, 61, 239
Frenchman’s Creek, 51
Frenchtown, Battle of, 53, 115,
411, 504
Freyburg, Bernard, 465, 491
Friedrich II, 281, 283
Fritsch, Werner von, 279
Frontenac, Comte de, Louis de
Baude, 135, 167–169,
Frontier Wars. SeeAppendix B
for list of participants
Fuchida, Mitsuo, 169–171,345,
Fumimaro Konoe, Prince, 508
Funston, Frederick, 2
Fur trade, 521

Gabreski, Francis S., 36
Gadsden Purchase, 455
Gage, Thomas, 83, 97–98,
172–174, 255
arrest of Adams and
Hancock, 481
Clinton and, 107–108
governor of Montreal district,
Percy’s service under,
Pitcairn’s reinforcement of,
replacing Amherst, 401
seizing ordnance at Salem,
Gaines, Edmund P., 6, 150–151
Gaines Mill, Battle of, 4, 236,
Gales, Joseph, 115
Galland, Adolf, 36, 175–177, 195
Gallwitz, Max von, xi, 178–180,
Galveston, Texas, 314
Gambier, James, 118, 239
Gansevoort, Peter, 484–485
Garter, Order of the, 237


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