America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Gates, Horatio, 25, 84–85, 126,
166, 428, 498
Gatewood, Charles B., 183–184
Gavin, James M., 492
Genda, Minoru, 169, 345
General order No. 11, 414–415
Geneva Disarmament
Conference (1932), 233
Geneva Peace Accord (1954),
Gentile, Don S., 36
George II, 180–181
George III, 118, 124, 181,
203–204, 238, 241–242, 257
George IV, 422, 499
Germain, George Sackville, 84,
91, 180–182
appointment of Guy Johnson
as Iroquois Deputy, 256
Clinton and, 108
convincing Howe to fight, 241
Cornwallis and, 124
Gage and, 172
Howe’s criticism of, 239
move on Albany, 484
Ohio Valley raids, 209–210
promotion of Burgoyne,
replacement of Thomas Gage,
resignation of Sir Guy
Carleton, 207
See alsoFort Ticonderoga
German admirals, 145–147
German fighter pilots, 35–37,
German generals. SeeAppendix
A for listing
German staff officers. See
Appendix A for listing
German Waffen-SS generals, xi,
142–144, 216–218
German Waffen-SS officers,
371–373, 478–480
German Workers Party, 228
Germantown, 125, 199, 204–205
Geronimo, 111, 182–184,348,
366, 523
Gestapo, creation of, 194
Gettysburg, Battle of, 388, 489
Alexander at, 4
Anderson and, 12–13

Heth’s involvement in,
Hill’s strong performance at,
Imboden at, 250
Lee’s defeat at, 285
Ghent, Treaty of, 151, 407, 470
Ghost Dance religion, 477
Giap, Vo Nguyen, xii, 184–187
Gibbon, John, 262, 302
Gibraltar, 118
Girty, Simon, 188–190,210,
Glengarry Fencibles, 160,
311–312, 449
Gliding, 490–491
Glorieta Pass, Battle of, 472
Glorious Revolution, 287
Gneisenau(German battle
cruiser), 176
Gold rush, 8, 131, 261, 264,
on Apache grounds, 316
Black Hills of South Dakota,
Bozeman Trail War, 8, 152,
416, 423
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 198
Gordon, Adam, 257
Gordon, John Brown, xi,
Gordon, Si, 15
Gore, Francis, 73
Göring, Hermann, 35, 175–177,
193–195,229, 273
Gorshkov, Sergei Georgievich,
xii, 196–198
Gothic Line, 274, 465
Governors. SeeEnglish colonial
governors; French colonial
Graham, Billy, 171
Grant, James, 198–200,242,
418–419, 474
Grant, Ulysses S., 13, 260
Battle of Shiloh, 105
capture of Fort Donelson,
Chattanooga siege, 67
Cold Harbor battle, 71
contempt for Pillow, 395
Forrest’s raids on, 163

Gordon’s campaigns against,
Longstreet’s appointments by,
pardoning of Satanta and Big
Tree, 460
peace with Apaches, 111
Red Cloud’s case of American
treaty violations, 424
versus Robert E. Lee, 285
Wallowa Valley reservation,
Grasse, François-Joseph de, 61
Graves, Thomas, 20, 119, 127,
Great Bridge, Battle of, 341
Great Leap Forward, 381
Great Sioux War (1876), 476–478
Great Swamp Fight, 93–94
Greathouse, Daniel, 297
Greece, 33, 229–230, 491
Green, Billy, 212, 528
Green Mountain Boys, 513
Green Tigers, 105, 158–160, 338
Greene, Nathaniel, 109, 283, 290,
421, 475, 486–487, 498
Greenville, Treaty of, 190, 294,
503, 505
Grey, Charles “No Flint,” x, 16,
Grierson, Benjamin H., 164, 304,
Grumman F6F Hellcats, 447
Guadalcanal, Battle of, 349, 446,
495–496, 509, 533–534
Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Treaty of,
Guam, 215
Guangxu, Emperor of China, 103
Guderian, Heinz, 33, 45
Guerrero, Vincente, 453
Confederate, 14–15, 413–415
Loyalist, 188–190, 473–475
Mexican, xi, 524–527
Vietnamese, 185
Guilford Courthouse, Battle of,
Gulf War, xii, 246–248
Gustav Line, 274
Gutierrez-Magee Expedition, 453
Gwynn’s Island, Battle of, 341


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