America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Hairbuyer (Henry Hamilton),
Haldimand, Frederick, 99, 173,
199, 206–208,210, 256,
431, 485
Halleck, Henry W., 414
Haller, Granville, 264
Hamilton, Henry, 189, 208–210
Hampton, Virginia, 115
Hampton, Wade, 155, 250, 312,
388, 449
Hancock, John, 174, 481
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 192,
220, 459, 493
Handsome Lake, 120–121
Hardee, William J., 66, 71, 105,
134, 226, 236
Hardinge, Samuel Wylde, 65
Harmar, Josiah, 293–294, 503,
Harney, William S., 131, 409
Harpers Ferry, Virginia, 28, 244,
249, 252, 284, 488
Harrison, William Henry, 41, 53,
295, 411, 503, 529
Harve de Grace, Maryland, 115
Harvey, John, 52, 151, 159,
211–213,338, 352, 528
Hashimoto, Mochitsura,
Hatch, Edward, 347–348
Hatfield, Gilbert D., 451
Hausser, Paul “Papa,” 143,
216–218,280, 330
Hawke, Edward, 238
Hawker Hurricanefighters, 175,
195, 269
Hayne, Isaac, 421
Heister, Leopold von, 281–282
Helena, Arkansas, 410
Helicopter gunships, 187
Henry House, 252
Herkimer, Nicholas, 68, 89, 120,
258, 484–485
Hessian civilians, 427–429
Hessian Hill, 44
Hessians, x
Baum, Friedrich, 42–44
Knyphausen, Wilhelm von,
Rall, Johann Gottlieb, 125,
199, 242, 282, 418–419

Riedesel, Friedrich Adolphus
von, x, 43, 84, 166, 430–431
Heth, Henry, 219–220, 388
Hill, Ambrose P., 252, 300, 489
Hill, Daniel Harvey, 12, 71, 191,
221–223,231, 244
Hill, John, 521
Hill 317, 280
Himmeroder Report, 466
Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig von,
178, 194, 223–225,229,
Hindman, Thomas Carmichael,
Hiroshima, Japan, 171, 215
Hitler, Adolf, 22, 35, 218,
228–231, 535
Balck and, 34
formation of the SS, 142, 144,
German defeat at Mortain,
Göring and, 193
Hindenburg’s election victory,
Jodl as adviser to, 253
Kapp Putsch, 310
Keitel as lackey to, 270–271
Kluge’s loyalty to, 278–279
Luftwaffe, 176–177, 273, 491
Manteuffel’s appointment as
Panzer commander, 318
Mussolini’s relations with, 344
promotion of Kesselring,
rise of Nazi party, 329
Rommel’s service under, 435
Senger’s aloofness from,
Skorzeny’s admiration of, 478
Tripartite Pact, 508
U-boat force, 145–147
vindictiveness against
Blaskowitz, 57–59
HMS Baltimore, 238
HMS Cornwall(British cruiser),
170, 345
HMS Detroit, 40
HMS Dorsetshire(British
cruiser), 170, 345
HMS Druid, 77
HMS Dunkirk, 238

HMS Hermes(British carrier),
170, 345
HMS Norfolk(frigate), 201
HMS St. Lawrence, 539
HMS Serapis(English warship),
HMS Shannon,77–78
HMS Southampton, 76
HMS Swiftsure, 39
HMS Victory,39, 114
Ho Chi Minh, 184–185
Hodges, Courtney, 34
Hoke, Robert Frederick,
Hollweg, Theobald von
Bethmann, 309
Holly Springs raid, 376
Holmes, Theophilus H., 227,
Homma, Masaharu, 2, 233–235,
Hood, John Bell, 106, 164,
235–237,260, 299, 305,
307, 501
Hood, Samuel, 76, 202
Hooker, Jim, 95–96
Hooker, Joseph, 106, 252, 285,
Hoover, Herbert, 452
Horthy, Mikos, 479–480
Hostage situations, 110
capture and adoption of
Simon Girty, 188–189
Cornstalk, 122
Fort Necessity confrontation,
Simcoe, John Graves, 474
House of Representatives, U.S.,
Hindman, Thomas
Carmichael, 226
Johnston, Joseph E., 261
Price, Sterling, 408–410
Houston, Sam, 454
Howard, Oliver O., 252, 262, 285,
303–302, 489
Howe, George, 238, 240
Howe, Richard “Black Dick,” 19,
Battle of Long Island, 363
Battle of Rhode Island, 393
Collier under, 117–118


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