America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Glorious First of June, 202
negotiating for peace, 241
Howe, Robert, 91
Howe, William, 16, 26, 91, 165,
237, 240–243, 514
antipathy to Indian warfare,
Battle of Bunker Hill, 398
Burgoyne’s battle plan, 83–84
Clinton and, 107–109
Cornwallis and, 125
experimental breech-loading
rifle, 157
Gage and, 172
Germain’s antipathy to, 181
Grant’s campaigns with, 199
Grey’s service in Philadelphia
campaign, 204
Haldimand and, 207
Knyphausen’s rear guard for,
move on Albany, 484
O’Hara’s service under, 355
outbreak of American
Revolution, 174
Percy’s antipathy toward, 386
on Pigot, 392
Rall’s service with, 418
Simcoe’s Queen’s Rangers,
Smith’s accompanying,
Hubbardton, Battle of, 430–431
Hudson’s Bay, Canada, 136
Huerta, Adolfo de la, 526–527
Huerta, Victoriano, 525
Huger, Benjamin, 12, 243–245
Hull, Isaac, 77, 267
Hull, William, 74, 411, 504
Hussein, Saddam, xii, 246–248
Hutchinson, Thomas, 173

I-58 submarine, 214–215
Iberian Peninsula, 438
Imboden, John D., xi, 71,
Imboden Raid, 249–250
Imperial Way faction, 507–508,
Inchon Harbor, South Vietnam,
India, Imperial, 127

Indochina, 508–509
Infantry Attacks(Rommel), 435
Ingoldsby, Richard, 288
International Convention
Agreement (1909), 508
Intolerable Acts, 173
Intrepid(Tripolitan vessel), 267
Inventions, 488
Ira Drang, Battle of, 186
Iran, 246–247
Iraq, 246–248
Ireland, 127, 148, 165, 180, 213
Iron Cross, 57, 143, 175
Galland, Adolf, 176
Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig
von, 223
Hitler’s receipt of, 228
Peiper, Jochem, 371
Rommel, 434
Iron Shield. SeeAmerican Horse
Ironclad ships, 81–82
Iroquois Indians, 520–521
adoption of Simon Girty,
Battle of Beaver Dams, 160
Cornplanter, 119–122
Guy Johnson as
representative to,
John Norton as tribal
spokesman, 351–352
Kentucky campaign, 123
raids on New France, 168
reinforcing Burgoyne, 88
Vaudreuil’s campaign against,
Isle Aux Noir, 61, 63
Ismail I, 305, 473
Israel, 248
Caporetto offensive, 309
declaring war on the U.S.,
defense of Sicily, 464
German preemptive strike,
invasion of, 230
Kesselring’s defense of,
Iturbide, Augustin de, 453
Iwabuchi, Sanji, 536
Izard, George, 151, 539

Jackson, Andrew, 113, 360–361,
454, 530
Jackson, Claiborne, 409
Jackson, James, 95
Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,”
Alexander and, 4
Anderson and, 12
Ashby in the Shenandoah
Valley, 28–29
Belle Boyd and, 64–65
First Battle of Rull Run, 48
Henry House Hill, 373
Imboden at Shenandoah, 249
Jeb Stuart’s service under,
Loring’s hostility toward, 304
relation to Daniel Hill, 221
Richard Taylor and, 500–501
at Second Manassas, 299
supporting Lee at
Shenandoah Valley
campaign, 284284
JagdverbandJV-44 (all-jet fighter
squadron), 177
James, Frank, 14, 414
James, Jesse, 414
Jamestown, Virginia, 31–32
Japan, xi
attack on Pearl Harbor,
169–171, 214, 230, 344–346,
509, 531–533
dearth of experienced fighter
pilots, 447
Philippine occupation, 2
Sino-Japanese War, 103
Tojo, Hideki, 507–509
Tokyo Rose, 510–512
Vietnam War, 185
Japan Self-Defense Force, 11
Japanese Admirals, 170, 344–346,
494–496, 509, 533
Japanese Army fighter pilots,
9–11, 268–270
Japanese bomber pilots,
169–171, 345, 533
Japanese Generals, 2, 233–235,
509, 531–536
Japanese Navy fighter pilots,
348–350, 445–447
Java Sea, Battle of, 495
Jayhawkers, 14–15, 414


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