America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Jefferson, Thomas, 121, 210,
266–267, 298, 429, 431, 499
Jeffords, Thomas J., 111
Jeffreys, Herbert, 32
Jenkins, John, 312
Jervis, John, 114
Jesup, Thomas S., 7, 328, 530
Jews, 142, 230
Jintsu(cruiser), 495
Jodl, Alfred, 58, 147, 229,
253–254,272, 444
Johnson, Andrew, 72
Johnson, Guy, 68, 86–87, 98,
207–208, 255–257, 259
Johnson, John, 84, 207–208, 256,
257–259,316–317, 484
Johnson, Lyndon B., 277–278,
Johnson, Richard M., 504
Johnson, Robert S., 36
Johnson, William, 68, 86, 88, 123,
140, 255, 518
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 3, 12,
66, 105, 161, 226, 236, 284.
See alsoMormon
Johnston, Joseph E., 4, 28, 47,
156, 259–261,299,
appointment to quartermaster
general, 161
Battle of Bentonville, 232
as Bragg’s successor, 67, 227
Breckinridge and, 71–72
Cleburne and, 106
criticism of Magruder, 314
Hill’s service under, 221
Hood’s criticism of, 236
Jackson’s service under, 252
Jefferson Davis and, 139
Lee as successor to, 284284
McClellan’s advance on the
Virginia Peninsula,
retreat from Jackson, 376
Stuart and Pelham under, 373,
support of Lovell, 307
Joint Congressional Committee
on the Conduct of the War,
Jones, John Paul, 197, 367–368

Jones, Thomas ap Catesby, 113
Jones, William E. “Grumble,” 249
Joseph, 153, 261–263, 303
Julesburg, Colorado, 493

Kaga(Japanese carrier), 169
Kaiten(suicide submarines),


Kamikaze missions, 350, 447
Kampfgruppeformation, 33
Kanawha, Army of, 161
Kanawha Valley, 249
Kanji, Ishihara, 508
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, 14,
Kapp Putsch, 310
Karamanli, Yusuf, 265–268
Kasserine Pass, Battle of, 436
Katipunan (Supreme Worshipful
Association of the Sons of
the People), 1
Kato, Tateo, 268–270
Kawanishi N1K2 Shinden-kai
fighters, 447
Keane, John, 80, 113
Kearney, Stephen W., 316, 321,
Keitel, Wilhelm, 229, 253,
270–272, 444
Kenton, Simon, 189, 298
Kentucky territory, 123, 163, 189
Keokuk, 53–54
Kesseldorf, Battle of, 206
Kesselring, Albert, 22, 273–275,
436, 464
Key, Francis Scott, 80, 113
Keyes, Erasmus, 245
Kharkov, Battle of, 217, 371
Khmer Rouge, 187
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah,
Khrushchev, Nikita, 197
Kidnappings, 344, 393, 479–480
Kilpatrick, Judson, 250
Kim Il Sung, xi–xii, 275–278,
379, 382
Kim Jong Il, 278
King, Ernest, 216
King George’s War, 130
King Philip (Wampanoag chief),
93, 458

King William’s War, x, 48–50,
135–137, 167–169
King’s College, 513
King’s Mountain, Battle of, 158,
King’s Own (Eighth Regiment of
King’s Royal Regiment, 258
Kingston, Ontario, 40, 167, 259
Kiowa War Chiefs, 458–460
Kirby-Smith, Edmund, 105, 219,
260, 501
Kluge, Gunther Hans von, xi, 46,
218, 278–281, 330
Knight’s Cross, 33–34, 36, 45, 58,
319, 371, 479
Knoxville, siege of, 4, 300
Knyphausen, Wilhelm von, x,
157, 281–283,386, 418,
Korean War, 275–278, 379,
Korsun, Battle of, 230
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, 440
Ku Klux Klan, 72, 164
Kuniaki, Kiso, 234
Kursk, Battle of, 217
Kuwait, 247–248
Kwantung Army, 508

Lafayette, Marquis de, 199–200
Lake Champlain, 98, 166
Lake Erie, 40–41, 412, 504
Lake George, Battle of, 140–141
Lake Ontario, 149
Lakota Sioux, 7–9
Lambert, John, 1, 361
Land speculation, 339–340
Lane, James, 414
The Last of the Mohicans
(Cooper), 333
Latin America: Nicaraguan
Rebellion, 450–452
Lawrence, James, 77–78
Lawrence, Kansas, 14
Lawyers, 69–72, 226
Le Moyne de Bienville, Jean-
Baptiste, 128–129, 136, 517
League for the Independence of
Vietnam, 185
Lear, Tobias, 267
LeClaire, Antonine, 54


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