America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Nagasaki, Japan, 171
Nagumo, Chuichi, 170, 344–346,
509, 533
Nakajima fighters, 268–269
Nana, 347–348, 524
Napoleonic Wars, 39–42, 79,
359–360, 407
Narragansett chiefs, 93–94
Nashville, Battle of, 164
Natchez uprising, 50
National Intelligencer
newspaper, 115–116
Native American Church, 366
Native American peace chiefs,
55–56, 122–124
Native American war chiefs. See
Appendix A for listing
Native Americans, x, 261–263
adoption of Simon Girty,
as allies, 517
Alligator, 6–7
American Horse, 7–9
American Revolution, 92
Apache raids, 316–317
Bozeman Trail War, 8, 152,
416, 423
Brant, Joseph, 68–69
British proclamation of 1763,
Butler’s alliance with, 86–88
in Canada, 520–521
Cheyenne trek, 295–296
d’Iberville’s peaceful
treatment of, 136
English sympathizers,
expansion in violation of the
Proclamation of 1763,
First Seminole War, 358
good relations with
Montcalm, 332
Guy Johnson’s selfish
treatment of, 255–257
Haldiman’s employment of,
Hamilton’s encouragement of
raids, 208–209
James Logan’s soliloquy, 298
John Johnson’s championing
of, 257–259

John Norton’s peace
negotiations, 351–353
Little Turtle’s confederation
of tribes, 293–295
massacred at Fort William
Henry, 333
mishandling of Indian funds,
Navajos’ relations with
Kearney, 320–321
negotiations with, 48–50
New Mexico Apache raids,
Nez Percé War, 262–263,
Ohio Valley uprising, 130
Oriskany ambush, 89, 120,
258, 484–485
Pequot-Puritan negotiations,
Pontiac’s Rebellion, 399–401
role in Canadian defense,
Second Seminole War, 6, 66,
259, 303, 326–328, 358,
Sherman’s campaign against
Plains Indians, 365–366
slaughter at Fort George, 325
Tecumseh, 502–504
Tenskwatawa, 505–507
War of 1812, 41, 52
Yakima War, 264
See alsoFrench and Indian
War; Relocation, of Native
Navajos, 37–39, 320–322
Naval battles, 77–78, 213–216,
Barbary pirates, 266
Battle of Charleston, 108–109,
157, 362–363, 404, 420–421,
d’Iberville’s victory, 136
Flamborough Head, 367–368
Long Island, 205
Montojo’s defense of the
Philippines, 335–336
Pearl Harbor attack, 169–171
Penobscot Bay, 118
Portsmouth, 391
Queen Anne’s War, 136

Santiago Bay, 100–101
USS Indianapolis,214–215
Virginia Capes, 202
Wessels’s capture at
Plymouth, 232
Naval General Service Medal,
Naval officers: English. See
English naval officers
Naval officers: French, 48–50,
Naval officers: German, 145–147
Naval officers: Japanese,
494–496, 531–534
Navarre, Henri, 185–186
Navy, Confederate, 244
Navy, Soviet, 196–197
Navy, U.S., 197–198, 266, 349
Nazi party, 193, 228, 329, 343,
443, 463–466, 478
Nelson, Horatio, 73, 114,
266–267, 364
Netherlands, 59, 73, 164–165,
273, 330, 438, 440, 448,
New Bern, North Carolina, 232
New Brunswick, Canada, 213
New England, Dominion of, 287,
New France, 167–169, 517–522
New Hampshire militia, 43–44
New Jersey, 125
New Market, Battle of, 71, 250
New Mexico
Apache raids, 316, 347–348
Confederate campaign
against, 471–473
Kearney’s subduing of, 408
Navajo raids in, 320–321
New Mexico, Department of, 304
New Mexico Volunteers, 38
New Netherlands (New York),
New Orleans, Battle of, 113,
306–307, 359–361
New York, invasion of, 164–166,
242, 483–485
New Zealand troops, 465
Newfoundland, Canada, 201
Newport, Rhode Island, 108, 239,
363, 393
Newtown, Battle of, 90


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