America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Nez Percé Indians, 261–263,
Niagara Peninsula, 51, 74–75,
150–151, 212, 325–326,
351–353, 461–462, 528–529
Nicaragua, xi, 450–452
Nicholson, Francis, 287
Night of the Long Knives, 142
Nishizawa, Hiroyoshi, 348–350,
Nixon, Richard M., 187, 512
Normandy invasion, 45–46, 143,
230, 254, 372, 436–437, 444
North, Frank, 494
North, Frederick Lord, 181, 202
North Africa, 230, 266, 274, 318,
343, 435
North American F-86 Sabrejets,
North Carolina, invasion of,
North Korea, 275–278, 378
North Point, Battle of, 80
Northern Cheyenne Reservation,
Northern Virginia, Army of, 4, 12,
192, 222, 249–252, 260,
283–284, 388–389, 489
Norton, John, 75, 159, 351–353,
467, 526
Nova Scotia, Canada, 118, 470
Nuclear weapons, 248, 278
Nuremberg Trials, 272

O’Bail, Henry, 121
O’Bail, John, 120–121
O’Bannon, Presley, 267
Oconostota, 123, 199, 353–355
Ogdensburg, New York, 311
O’Hara, Charles, 126–127, 290,
Ohio Valley frontier, 122–124,
128, 130, 369–370, 441
Oil industry, 247, 249–250
Old King, 88
Old Tappan, New Jersey, 205
Oldham, John, 457
Operation Anvil/Dragoon, 58
Operation Barbarossa. See
Soviet Union, German
invasion of
Operation Cobra, 46, 372

Operation Desert Shield, 247
Operation Grief, 480
Operation Market Garden, 330
Operation Merkur, 491
Operation MI, 533
Operation Overlord. See
Normandy invasion
Operation Thunderbolt, 176
Operation Vengeance, 534
Ordnance board, 243–244
Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries
(OPEC), 247
Oriskany ambush, 89, 120, 258,
Orphan Brigade, 70
Osceola, 6, 327–328, 357–359,
Ota, Toshio, 349, 446
Ottawa Indians, 399–401
Ottoman Empire, 267

Pakenham, Edward, 113,
Pamunkey Indian Wars, 31
Panzer Corps, 217, 280
failure at Normandy, 444
Manteuffel, Hasso von,
Model’s leadership, 329
refusal to support Arnim, 436
Senger’s command of, 464
SS Panzer Corps, 143
Panzer Lehr Division, 44–46, 143
Paoli, Pennsylvania, 204
Paratroopers, 490–491
Paris, Treaty of, 121
Parker, Cynthia Ann, 364
Parker, Henry K., 523
Parker, John, 397
Parker, Peter, 108, 125, 362–364,
Parker, Quanah, 364–366,460,
Parra, Ignacio, 525
Parsons, Lawrence, 482
Partisan Rangers, 414
Patch, Alexander M., 58
Patriot War of 1837, 160
Patton, George S., 34, 526
German defeat at Mortain,

Manteuffel’s defeat by, 319
Operation Cobra, 46, 372
Rommel’s book, 435
victory at Saint-Lô, 280
Paulus, Friedrich von, 329
Payne’s Landing, Treaty of
(1825), 6, 327, 530
Pea Ridge, Missouri, 409, 515
Peacemakers, 122
Black Kettle, 55–56
Chief Joseph, 262
Cornstalk, 122–124
Dull Knife, 152–154
Howe, Richard, 237–240
Howe, William, 241–242
Little Turtle, 294
Norton, John, 351–353
Quanah Parker, 366
Red Cloud, 424
Peachtree Creek, 236
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 169–171,
214, 230, 344–346, 509,
Pearson, Richard, 367–369
Pecaudy de Contrecoeur,
Claude-Pierre, 128, 130,
Peiper, Jochem, xi, 143, 371–373
Pelham, John, 373–375
Pemberton, John Clifford, 260,
304–305, 375–377, 516
Pendleton, William N., 4
Peng Dehuai, xi–xii, 277,
378–381, 383
Peninsula campaign (1862),
244–245, 260, 299, 374, 488
Penobscot Bay, Maine, 118
People’s Army of Vietnam
(PAVN), 186
People’s Liberation Army, 378
Pepelyaev, Yevgenij, xi–xii,
Pequot War, 457–458
Pequot War Chief, 456–458
Percival, Arthur E., 535
Percy, Hugh, 174, 282, 384–387,
397–398, 466, 482
Perry, David, 262
Perry, Matthew C., 81
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 40–41, 81,
412, 504
Perryville, Battle of, 66, 105


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