America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Pershing, John J., 178–179, 225,
310, 526
Persian Gulf War. SeeGulf War
Petacci, Clara, 143
Petain, Philippe, 479
Peters, George B., 516
Petersburg, siege of, 4, 192, 220,
Pettigrew, James J., xi, 220,
Peyote rituals, 366
Philadelphia campaign, 125,
199–200, 204, 242
Philippine Insurrection, 1–2, 335
Philippines, xi, 234, 350, 446,
495, 536
Phillips, William, 126, 166,
389–391,428, 430, 475
Phips, William, 168
Pickens, Andrew, 486–487
Pickering, Timothy, 289
Pickett, George E., 4, 13, 232,
285, 300
Pierce, Franklin, 138
Pierce, Michael, 94
Pigot, Robert, 392–393, 483
Pike, Zebulon, 468
Pike’s Peak militia, 472
Pillow, Gideon J., 70, 162,
313–314, 394–396
Pilots, Air Force (German)
Bär, Heinz, 35–37
Galland, Adolf, 175–177
Göring, Hermann, 193–194
Student, Kurt, 490–492
Pilots, Air Force (Japanese)
Anabuki, Satoshi, 9–11
Fuchida, Mitsuo, 169–171
Kato, Tateo, 268–270
Pilots, Air Force (Russian),
Pilots, Navy (Japanese), 348–350
Pinckney, Thomas, 243
Pitcairn, John, 385, 396–398,
Pitt, William, 211, 518
Platte Bridge, Wyoming, 433
Playwrights, 82–85
Pleasonton, Alfred, 489
Poland, German invasion of, 194,
229, 254, 271, 273, 279, 329,

Polk, James K., 394, 454
Polk, Leonidas, 66, 139, 227, 305,
Polygamy, 366
Pontiac, 399–401, 502
Pontiac’s Rebellion, 68, 122, 173,
Pope, John, 252
Port Act, 173
Port Darwin, Australia, 170
Port Republic, Battle of, 249–250
Port Royal, South Carolina, 168
Porter, David D., 307, 376–377,
Porter, Peter B., 52, 150
Pouchot de Maupas, Pierre,
Pour le Merite, 434
Powder River, 131–132, 153
Prairie Grove, Arkansas, 227
Preble, Edward, 266–267
Prescott, Richard, 393
Presque Isle, Pennsylvania,
40–41, 149
Prevost, Augustin, 92, 403–405,
413, 467
Prevost, George, 148, 405,
405–408,425, 528, 538
Brock’s disagreement with,
Indian department policy, 352
raid on Ogdensburg, 311–312
replacing Sherbrooke, 470
subverting Salaberry’s career,
Prevost, Mark, 404
Price, Sterling, 15, 408–410,414,
Prime ministers, 507–509
Prince Edward Island, Canada,
Princeton, Battle of, 242
Prinz Eugen(German battle
cruiser), 176
Prisoners of war
Arnim, Hans-Jurgen, 23
Bataan Death March, 235
Campbell, Archibald, 91
Galland, Adolf, 177
Hausser, Paul, 218
Iraq’s hostages as “human
shield,” 247

Manteuffel, Hasso von, 319
in Mexico, 133
Pettigrew, James Johnston,
poor treatment of Henry
Hamilton, 210
Sakamaki, Kazuo, 214
Sitting Bull, 477
Student, Kurt, 492
Proclamation of 1763, 122, 401
Proctor, Henry, 41, 74, 190,
411–413,441, 504,
Prophets, 505–507
Prussian army, 206, 223–225. See
alsoSeven Years’ War
Pueblo Rebellion, 408–409
Purdy, Robert, 312, 449
Pushmahata, 503
Putnam, Clarissa, 257
Putnam, Israel, 108, 242, 393, 514

Qatar, 248
Quantrill, William Clarke, xi, 14,
Quartering Act, 173
Quartermasters general, 165
Quebec, 99
Quebec, siege of, 24–25, 61, 63,
98, 168, 241
Quebec Act (1774), 97, 209
Queen Anne’s War (1702–1713),
x, 49, 135–137, 520–522
Queen’s Rangers, 325, 473–475
Queenston Heights, Battle of, 75,
461, 466–469
Quezon, Manuel, 2
Quiberon Bay, Battle of, 238
Quitman, John A., 306

Raccoon Roughs, 191
Racism, 510–512. See alsoSlaves
and slavery
Raeder, Erich, 145–146
Railroad commissioners, 261
Railroads, 326, 433
Rain-in-the-Face, 415–417
Rall, Johann Gottlieb, 125, 199,
242, 282, 418–419
Ramsay, Allan, 92
Ramsay, Amelia, 92
Rangoon, Burma, 269–270


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