America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

Cornplanter’s role, 121
food shortages in Upper
Canada, 441
Laura Secord’s trek to DeCou
House, 462
Niagara campaign, 325–326,
preliminary military buildup,
Prevost’s defense of Canada,
raid on Ogdensburg, 311–312
Salaberry’s light infantry,
Seminole war parties, 530
SeeAppendix B for list of
participants; individual
War of the Austrian Succession,
130, 180, 291, 331
War of the Polish Succession,
War of the Spanish Succession,
War secretaries, 69–72, 138
Warburg, Battle of, 389
Ward, Artemas, 174
Ward, Edward, 370
Warner, Seth, 44, 166
Warren, John Borlase, 51, 76,
112, 115
Washington, George, 108–109,
Andre and, 17–18
Arnold and, 24–25
avoiding Cornwallis ambush,
Battle of Long Island, 117,
238, 482–483
Brandywine Creek, 157, 204
death of Jumonville, 370
dispossessing French from
Ohio Valley, 130
Fort Necessity confrontation,
Gage and, 172
obtaining Indian lands, 121
poor treatment of Henry
Hamilton, 210
rout from New York City, 125
Trenton campaign, 199
Virginia Capes, 202

Washington, D.C., siege of, 79,
116, 192, 437–439
Washington, William, 486
Waterbury, Connecticut, 514
Watteville, Louis, 450
Watts, Mary, 257
Waxhaws, 498
Wayne, Anthony, 126, 204, 294,
503, 505
breech-loading rifle, 156–157
mass-produced rifles, 138
U-boats, 145–147
USS Indianapolis, 214
Waffen SS priority for, 217
Webb, Daniel, 172
Webster, Daniel, 133
Wehrmacht, 253
Weimar Republic, 490–491
Hausser’s ambivalence over
Nazi politics, 217
Hindenburg’s election as
president, 225
Keitel’s paramilitary
activities, 271
rise of Nazi party, 329
Welland Canal, 324–326
Wessells, Henry, 153, 232
West Indies, 200, 207
West Point graduates, 243, 284
Davis, Jefferson, 137–139
Edward Porter Alexander,
Hill, Daniel H., 221–223
Jackson, Thomas J.
“Stonewall,” 251
Pelham, John, 373
Sibley, Henry Hopkins, 471
Van Dorn, Earl, 515–516
West Point, New York
Arnold’s betrayal of, 25, 27
Lee as superintendent, 284
plans to capture, 17
Western Front, 178, 225, 279
Westmoreland, William C., 186
Wheaton, Frank, 96
Wheeler, Joseph, 300
Whipple, Stephen C., 302
White Cloud, 54
White Oak Swamp, 252
Wildcat, 6, 327, 358, 529–531
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 224

Wilkes, Charles, 263–264
Wilkinson, James, 243, 337–338
Willcocks, Joseph, 325
Willett, Marinus, 90, 484–485
William of Orange, 287
Williams, Ephraim, 141
Williams, Roger, 457
Williamsburg, Battle of, 374
Wilson, James H., 164, 502
Wilson, Woodrow, 526
Winchester, James, 53
Winder, William H., 52, 79, 116,
159, 212, 528
Winslow, Josiah, 94
Winthrop, Fitz-John, 288
Winthrop, John Sr., 456–458
Wolfe, James, 97, 292, 519
death at the fall of Quebec,
60–61, 241, 334
Fraser and, 165
St. Leger’s service under, 483
Wolfpack tactics, 145–146
Women, xii
Arnold, Margaret, xii, 16,
Boyd, Belle, 64–65
Cixi, Dowager Empress of
China, 102–104
Riedesel, Frederika, xii, 166,
Secord, Laura Ingersoll, 159,
461–463, 529
Tokyo Rose, 510–512
Woodland tactics, 172
Montcalm’s appreciation for,
Riedesel’s education of his
men in, 430
Voltigeurs Canadiens,
Wool, John Ellis, 75, 264–265,
284, 454–455
Woolsey, Melancthon T., 539
World War I, xi, 178–180, 278
Arnim, Hans-Jurgen, 21–23
Bayerlein, Fritz, 42–44
Blaskowitz, Johannes, 57–59
Dietrich, Josef, 142–144
Gallwitz, Max von, 178–180,
Göring’s service in, 193
Hausser’s service in, 216–217


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