America\'s Military Adversaries. From Colonial Times to the Present

(John Hannent) #1

to bring the struggle to an honorable conclu-
sion. “This has been a magnificent epic,” he
advised. “In God’s name let it not terminate in
a farce.” Following the fall of Richmond in
April 1865, Breckinridge fled south to join
General Johnston in North Carolina, where he
served as legal counsel during surrender ne-
gotiations with Gen. William Tecumseh Sher-
man. Fearing he would be charged with trea-
son, Breckinridge then fled the country and
sought asylum in Cuba and England.
Breckinridge remained abroad until De-
cember 1868, when he returned home under a
general amnesty advanced by President An-
drew Johnson. He then resumed his legal ca-
reer in Lexington, Kentucky, advocated eco-
nomic development of the state, and served as
a voice for national reconciliation. To that end
he denounced Ku Klux Klan violence and ad-
vocated allowing former African American
slaves to testify in court. Breckinridge died at
Lexington on May 17, 1875, mentally and phys-
ically exhausted by his previous exertions,
aged but 54 years. During his brief time in uni-
form, he managed to bring additional luster to
this most famous of Kentucky families.

See also
Bragg, Braxton; Davis, Jefferson; Johnston, Joseph E.;
Lee, Robert E.

Conrad, James L. The Young Lions: Confederate
Cadets at War.Mechanicburg, PA: Stackpole Books,
1997; Davis, Robert S.Breckinridge: Statesman,
Soldier, Symbol.Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Uni-
versity Press, 1974; Davis, William C. The Battle of
New Market.Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1975;
Davis, William C. Honorable Defeat: The Last Days
of the Confederate Government.New York: Har-
court, 2001; Davis, William C. The Orphan Brigade:
The Kentucky Confederates Who Couldn’t Go
Home.Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University
Press, 1980; DeLaughter, Roger V. The Third Battle
of Winchester.Lynchburg, VA: H. E. Howard, 1997;
Gindlesperger, James. Seed Corn of the Confeder-
acy: The Story of the Cadets of the Virginia Mili-
tary Institute at the Battle of New Market.Ship-
pensburg, PA: Burd Street Press, 1997; Harrison,
Lowell H. “John C. Breckinridge: Nationalist, Con-
federate, Kentuckian.” Filson Club History Quar-
terly47 (1973): 125–144; Haughton, Andrew. Train-
ing, Tactics, and Leadership in the Confederate
Army of Tennessee: Seeds of Failure.Portland, OR:
Frank Cass, 2000; Heck, Frank H. Proud Kentuck-
ian: John C. Breckinridge, 1821–1875.Lexington:
University of Kentucky Press, 1976; West, Jeffrey.
From Winchester to Cedar Creek: The Shenandoah
Campaign of 1864.New York: Simon and Schuster,
1997; Woodworth, Steven E.This Grand Spectacle:
The Battle of Chickamauga.Abilene, TX: McWhin-
ney Foundation Press, 1999.


Brock, Isaac

(October 6, 1769–October 13, 1812)
English General


idely hailed as the “savior of Upper
Canada,” Brock was an enterprising,
highly successful military officer who
served in the War of 1812. His decisive, inspir-
ing leadership thwarted two American inva-
sions and preserved Canada for the British
Empire. Brock consequently remains Canada’s

most revered military hero, and his memory is
perpetuated by a towering monument.
Isaac Brock was born in St. Peter Port,
Guernsey, on October 6, 1769, into a moder-
ately well-to-do family. He was commissioned
an ensign in the famous Eighth Regiment of
Foot (the King’s Own) in 1785, rose to lieu-
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