Historical Dictionary of British Intelligence

(Michael S) #1

Serviceand was posted to Helsinki, Paris, and Cyprus. When he re-
signed in 1960, Hastings was elected to the Commons as the Conser-
vative MP for Mid-Bedfordshire, a seat he retained until his
retirement in 1983. He published his memoirs,The Drums of Mem-
ory, in 1994 and died in January 2005.

HAYES, JOHN.Elected the Labour MP for Edge Hill, Liverpool, in
1923, a seat he held until 1931, John Hayes was the son of a police
inspector and started work as a clerk with the Wolverhampton Corru-
gated Iron Company at the age of 13. He joined theMetropolitan
Police’s administrative staff in 1909 and was promoted to the rank
of sergeant in 1913. He resigned in 1919 to become general secretary
of the National Union of Police and Prison Officers. He also headed
the Vigilant Detective Agency, an organization created to employ
police officers dismissed during the police strike of 1919, which was
a contractor of theFederated Press of America(FPA), a front for
Soviet espionage. When the FPA closed down, Hayes was appointed
secretary of the British Optician Association and remained on the
editorial board of thePolice Review.

HEMBLYS-SCALES, ROBERT.A careerMI5officer, Bob Hem-
blys-Scales participated in the investigation of Dr.Allan Nunn May
in 1945. In 1947 he was commissioned to write a report on Soviet
espionage, a task he completed with a colleague,Michael Serpell.
Much of their information was drawn from papers seized by the Ge-
stapo in Paris whenHenri Robinsonwas arrested in December

  1. In 1948 Hemblys-Scales was posted to Australia for eight
    months to advise on the creation of theAustralian Security Intelli-
    gence Organisationand supervise the exploitation of thevenona
    material, discreetly referred to locally as ‘‘the case.’’

HENDERSON, PAUL.The director of a Midlands machine tool man-
ufacturer and an experienced source forMI5and theSecret Intelli-
gence Service, Paul Henderson was the subject of an investigation
by Customs and Excise into breaches of the export controls during
the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. The collapse of his trial at the Old
Bailey in November 1992 resulted in a judicial inquiry conducted by
Lord Justice Scott, which reported in March 1996.

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