Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence

(Kiana) #1
Items of lesser significance were destroyed at a Red Army facility
using a flame thrower. At that point, the close relationship that had
existed between the MfS and KGB for nearly 40 years effectively
Already in late November 1989, citizens’ groups throughout the
German Democratic Republic had spontaneously formed to protest
the destruction of the records. On 4 December, the district office
in Erfurt was peacefully occupied by some 300 persons after black
smoke arising from the interior court had been seen for several
days. This example rapidly spread to other towns and cities, thereby
helping to salvage a large portion of MfS material. By contrast, the
Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung in East Berlin succeeded in destroy-
ing nearly all of its records. According to its last director, Werner
Grossmann, the shredders were active around the clock and had to
be occasionally refrigerated to prevent overheating.

REPUBLIKFLUCHT. The criminal charge directed at citizens who
attempted to escape from the German Democratic Republic, Repub-
likflucht (flight from the republic) acquired legal status on 11 Decem-
ber 1957. A person found guilty faced a maximum three-year prison
term, while more severe penalties were applied to members of the
Grenztruppen and to individuals who organized escape activities.
Anyone assisting an escape could be imprisoned for up to two years.
More than 75,000 East German citizens and 5,500 border guards
were incarcerated under this statute. See also SCHLICHT, GÖTZ.

RESIDENT. The chief representative of an intelligence organization
stationed abroad, a Resident can be either officially recognized by the
host country or working surreptitiously in violation of its laws. The
operations base of a Resident and his or her support staff is known as
a Residentur—typically a diplomatic mission, consulate, or commer-
cial enterprise, such as an airline company or press agency.

RIAS. The object of major attacks by the German Democratic Republic
(GDR) as an alleged spy center, RIAS (Rundfunk im amerikanischen
Sektor; Radio in the American Sector) was originally established as
DIAS (Drahtfunk im amerikanischen Sektor; Wire Broadcasting in
the American Sector) in West Berlin in February 1946 by the U.S.

RIAS • 367
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