Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence

(Kiana) #1
with the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS) in 1951 based in
Mecklenburg. Further training led to his transfer to the HVA as one
of the camouflaged Offiziere im besonderen Einsatz in 1961. The
following year, Rogalla (code name jürgen krüger) headed an
HVA advisory group dispatched to Ghana to support the autocratic
government of Kwame Nkrumah. The military coup that deposed
the African dictator led to Rogalla’s arrest in 1966, although he was
exchanged shortly afterward for Ghanaian prisoners being held in
the German Democratic Republic. The holder of a doctorate from
the Juristische Hochschule des MfS, Rogalla directed the HVA
division responsible for the United States, Mexico, and Canada from
1973 to 1990, assisting, for example, in the exfiltration of Jeffrey M.
Carney. According to Markus Wolf, the offer of nearly $1 million
by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency failed to secure his coopera-
tion after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

ROHLEDER, JOACHIM (1892–1973). A counterintelligence expert
for the Abwehr and later member of the Organisation Gehlen
(OG), Joachim Rohleder served in the infantry during World War I
and subsequently became a businessman in Argentina. After return-
ing to Germany and joining the Abwehr, he directed the German
counterintelligence unit Condor during the Spanish Civil War under
the alias Riemenschneider. In 1938, Wilhelm Canaris expanded his
responsibilities to include the whole of the Abwehr—a position that
he held until the organization’s absorption by the Reichssicherheits-
hauptamt. Following Rohleder’s interrogation by Allied officials in
1946, Reinhard Gehlen appointed him head of the OG’s General-
vertretung in Munich.


ROITZSCH, WERNER. A former officer of Hauptverwal-
tung Aufklärung (HVA) who revealed important sources to the
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz after the fall of the Berlin Wall,
Werner Roitzsch joined the HVA in 1956. In 1983, as one of four
assistant directors of Division A VI, he was assigned the task of pre-
paring false documents for agents working in the Federal Republic of
Germany. Unwilling to take his technical skills to Moscow in 1990,


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