Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence

(coco) #1
BRANCH 5.The desk in Military Intelligence(MI) responsible for
Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. After the 1973 Yom Kippur War, all of the
branches in MI were renamed theaters.See alsoNORTH THEATER.

BRANCH 6.The desk in Military Intelligence(MI) responsible for
Egypt, Sudan, and North Africa. After the 1973 Yom Kippur War,
all of the branches in MI were renamed theaters. See alsoSOUTH

BRANCH 7.The desk in Military Intelligence(MI) responsible for
technological and weapons developments, especially in the Arab
world. After the 1973 Yom Kippur War, all of the branches in MI
were renamed theaters.See alsoTECHNOLOGICAL THEATER.


BRIHA.Hebrew for “escape,” Briha designated the organized illegal
immigration movement of Jews to Palestine from Soviet-occupied
Eastern Europe after World War II. It was perhaps the largest organ-
ized clandestine population transfer in history. Briha is astounding
both in its organization for handling the continuous human flow and
in the mass movement itself. The aim was to reach the Mediterranean
coasts of Europe, where ships waited in secret, arranged by the
Mossad Le’Aliyah Beth. Briha operations were started in July 1945
by Abba Kovner and other surviving partisans of the war from Vilna,
Lithuania; Jewish war survivors themselves constituted most of the
Briha operatives who escorted the escapees. As the exodus of sur-
vivors from Eastern Europe intensified in the summer of 1946, the
decision was made to establish a network of way stations that would
route the survivors through Poland into the American-occupied zone
of Germany. The U.S. zone commanders, along with the Czechoslo-
vak government, tacitly permitted the infiltration. Soldiers from the
Jewish Brigade and the underground Jewish militias in Palestine as-
sumed administration of the program, and funds were provided by
the American Jewish Distribution Committee. Between August 1945
and the end of June 1946, Briha figures show 48,106 refugees had
left Poland in this way. The total number of Jews who reached Pales-

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