Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence

(coco) #1
surface missiles for Egypt. He was indeed involved in many clandes-
tine activities.
When Meir Amitbecame director of the Mossad in 1963, Caroz
was appointed his deputy. But Caroz remained a close and loyal sup-
porter of Harel, to whom he conveyed sensitive Mossad documents.
Amit disapproved of this practice, and in October 1965 he demanded
that that his deputy take a leave of absence. Caroz refused, so Amit re-
stricted Caroz’s access to sensitive intelligence information. In 1966
he resigned from the Mossad.
In 1968 the Foreign Ministry stationed Caroz in Athens to repre-
sent Israel as a diplomat. For the first time in his long career, Caroz
had a job that was not under cover. He ended this diplomatic mission
in 1970 and returned to Israel.
Caroz was a great Hebraist and invented many Hebrew intelli-
gence terms. Examples include beit-mivtahim for safe house, bodel
for courier, midur for compartmentalization, and bath-levayahfor fe-
male assistant.


LE’MEHKAR MEDINI(MAMAD).In the Jewish settlement in
Palestine prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, two politi-
cal departments existed. One was formed in the Information Ser-
vice, the other in the Jewish Agency. Soon after the state’s establish-
ment in May 1948, a Political Department was set up in the Foreign
Ministry and took over most of the tasks of its two forerunners. The
first director of the Political Department was Boris Guriel, who cre-
ated an ultrasecret subdepartment, Heker 2, which was in charge of
espionage and propaganda in Arab countries. The Foreign Ministry’s
Political Department was in charge of the operations branch known
as Da’at (“Knowledge”). Asher Ben-Natanwas appointed head of
Da’at and was stationed in Paris. Most of the staff of the operations
section were stationed in Europe.
With the creation of the Mossadin April 1949, it took over most
of the functions of the Political Department, which began to be dis-
mantled. Heker 2 was transformed into Unit 131in Military Intelli-
gence(MI). Da’at was replaced in April 1951 by the Foreign Intelli-
gence Authority (Rashut Le’Modi’in Be’Hul) in the Mossad and was
directed by Haim Ya’ari. Following these changes, Guriel resigned


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