Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence

(coco) #1
Doroth’s transfer to the Mossad probably in order to maintain some
kind of watch on the Mossad. Doroth’s Mossad code name was Dafni.
After Harel replaced Shiloah as director of the Mossad in 1952,
Doroth was given the directorship of the ISA. He served in this posi-
tion until 1953, when he returned to the Mossad as deputy to Harel
until 1963. This time around, Doroth was responsible for liaison be-
tween the Mossad and friendly foreign intelligence organizations. Af-
ter leaving the Mossad in 1963, he went into private business.


DUMMY COMPANIES.From the start, Israeli intelligence set up
dummy companies worldwide, behind which it conducted secret ac-
tivities. Before the establishment of the State of Israel, the Mossad
Le’Aliyah Bethcreated dummy shipping and airline companies to
bring Jewish immigrants to Palestine. One such company was
called Oniot U’Sfinot Ba’am (Ships and Vessels Ltd.). In West Ger-
many the Mossadset up several dummy companies, one of which
was Inverko. Its official purpose was to promote business, but its
actual and clandestine aim was to recruit agents for the Mossad in
In the United States, the Bureau of Scientific Liaisonused the
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation(NUMEC) in the
late 1950s for obtaining uranium for Israel. Isotopes and Radiation
Enterprises (ISORAD) was another dummy corporation in the United
States. ISORAD was owned half by NUMEC and half by the Israeli
government. Officially ISORAD was engaged in developing tech-
niques to preserve fruit through irradiation; in reality, it served as the
pipeline for obtaining uranium from NUMEC for the Israeli nuclear
weapons program.
In late December 1969 Admiral Mordechai Limon, head of the Is-
raeli military purchasing mission in France, took steps to form a
dummy company for the purpose of stealing the Cherbourg boats in
the Noah Ark’s Operation.
In Asmara, Eritrea, the Israeli Ministry of Defense set up the wholly
Israeli dummy company Incoda. Officially its business was exporting
Ethiopian beef. In fact Incoda was a station of Israeli intelligence in


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