Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence

(coco) #1
The members of the Kilowatt Group are the European Union coun-
tries; Canada; Norway; Switzerland; the United States, represented
by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI); South Africa; and Israel with the Mossadand Is-
raeli Security Agency(ISA). The group is dominated by Israel be-
cause of its strong position in information exchange on Arab-based
terror groups in Europe and the Middle East. Since 1977 the Kilowatt
Group may have changed its name, and probably its codename, to an-
other that is not yet known publicly.
It is believed that the Mossad’s links with the German Intelli-
gence Services (BND) undoubtedly hold the most comprehensive
registry of information on international terrorism and political ex-
tremism, using high-speed, hyperencrypted communications
known as “C37A” from a signals intelligence (SIGINT) site near
Tel Aviv and “6XM8” from a similar site at Monschau, near Hoe-
fen, on the Belgian border. Unit 8200, with its huge SIGINT facil-
ities just outside Herzliya near Tel Aviv, and the ISA feed their in-
formation straight to the Situation Information Center of the
Kilowatt Group. It is believed that the Mossad supplies the CIA
with information on terrorism and extremists, especially those of
the Middle East.
In 1991 it emerged that Israeli Mossad agents were operating ille-
gally on Norwegian territory, posing as Norwegian police, with the
consent and support of Norwegian security. The disguised Israelis
interrogated Palestinians seeking asylum in Norway. The Israeli-
Norwegian operation was run within the framework of the Kilowatt

KIMCHE, DAVID (DAVE) (1928– ).Born in England to an Eastern
European Jewish family that moved to Switzerland and then to
Britain, Kimche as a Zionist immigrated to Palestine in 1946 but re-
tained his British habits. He worked for a while as a night editor at
the Jerusalem Post. After failing to pass an entrance exam for the Is-
raeli Foreign Ministry, he embarked on academic studies on the Mid-
dle East. In 1953 he was recruited to the Mossad. Kimche’s quiet and
cultivated demeanor, his polished un-Israeli English, and his ability
to blend into almost any crowd suited him perfectly as a man for
Mossad missions abroad.


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