Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence

(coco) #1

  1. The commission was headed by reserve major general Meir
    Zorea. Relying on a false statement to the police by senior Israeli Se-
    curity Agency(ISA) officer Ehud Yatom, the commission ruled that
    Yatom had nothing to do with the killing of the terrorists. Two years
    later Yatom confessed to the police that he had killed the terrorists
    himself. He admitted that he and three other ISA officers, under orders
    from the then ISA director Avraham Shalom, had taken the terrorists
    away and beaten them to death in an empty field not far from where
    they were captured. See also NIGHT OF DUCKS.

ZUCKER, RUTH (1915–?).A German-born Jew, Zucker in 1934 im-
migrated illegally to Palestine and joined the Information Service.
She took part in risky espionage missions.

ZWAITER, (ABDEL) WAEL.Yasser Arafat’s second cousin, Zwaiter
was the organizer of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s terror
activity in Europe. He was listed by the Israeli Committee X as a tar-
get for assassination in the Wrath of God Operationfollowing the
Munich massacreof the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games,
and the Kidon team of the Mossadmade Zwaiter its first target.
The team traveled separately to Italy and regrouped in Ostia, a few
miles from Rome, where they secured sleeping quarters at three dif-
ferent sites. They were equipped with .22 Beretta semiautomatic pis-
tols with custom-designed bullets. On 16 October 1972, a vehicle
driven by a support team member and a “shooter” entered the vicinity
of Zwaiter’s apartment complex. A third team member occupied the
passenger seat of a vehicle nearby and was responsible for signaling
Zwaiter’s approach. A “couple,” also members of the support team,
strolled into the target area a minute ahead of Zwaiter. Another woman
hurried to join the couple as they wandered away from the apartment
complex—the final signal that Zwaiter was approaching alone.
The two shooters entered the complex ahead of the target to posi-
tion themselves in the lobby and familiarize themselves with the inte-
rior. Zwaiter stopped for a few minutes at a bar across from the apart-
ment complex to make a phone call before entering the building. This
was not surprising, as the surveillance team had learned that the local
phone company had disconnected Zwaiter’s phone service for lack of
payment and that Zwaiter routinely stopped at the bar en route to his


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