Historical Dictionary of Israeli Intelligence

(coco) #1
Democracy Position Paper 3. Mordekhai Kremnitser, moderator. Jerusalem:
Israel Institute for Democracy, 1997.

  1. The Yitzhak Rabin Assassination
    Amon, Moshe. “Cultural Clues: The Nature of Intelligence after Rabin’s As-
    sassination.”International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
    9, no. 1 (1996): 1–15.
    Katz, Samuel M. “Israel’s Covert Crisis: Was it Hubris That Killed Yitzhak Ra-
    bin? Three Years after His Assassination, the Vaunted Mossad, the Shin Bet,
    and Military Intelligence Are Reeling from Continuing Intelligence Fail-
    ures.” Moment23, no. 5 (1998): 54.
    Rotem, Avraham. The Truth, Friend. [In Hebrew.] Ramat Ha’Sharon: Hotsa’at
    Bar/Keren, 1999.

  2. Covert Action: Assassinating the Engineer
    Katz, Samuel M. The Hunt for the Engineer: The Inside Story of How Israel’s
    Counterterrorist Forces Tracked and Killed the Hamas Master Bomber.
    Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2002.

E. Military Intelligence (MI)
Granot, Oded. “The Intelligence Corps.” In The IDF and Its Corps: Encyclo-
pedia of Army and Defense. Tel Aviv: Revivim, 1981.
Haber, Eitan. “What Is and What Is Not Intelligence Information?” Yedioth
Ahronoth, 15 February 1991, 1.
Katz, Samuel M. Soldier Spies: Israeli Military Intelligence. Novato, Calif.:
Presidio Press, 1992.
Ringel-Hoffman, Arielah. “Was There an Intelligence Foul-up Here?” Yedioth
Ahronoth, 21 February 1991, 1.
Sagie, Uri. Lights within the Fog. [In Hebrew.] Tel Aviv: Miskal, 1998.
Teveth, Shabtai. Ben-Gurion’s Spy. New York: Columbia University Press,

F. Nativ’s Directors
Ettinger, Amos. Blind Jump: The Story of Yeshayahu (Shaike) Dan. New York:
Cornwall Books, 1992.
Levanon, Nechemiah. The “Nativ” Code. Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1995.


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