Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

(backadmin) #1
MAIN ADVERSARY. The Soviet security services considered the
British their main adversary (glavniy protivnik) until 1945. At the
conclusion of World War II, the United States was designed as the
service’s main adversary and major target. The Russian word pro-
tivnikwas frequently mistranslated as “enemy” rather than “adver-
sary,” and in some literature the United States is referred to as the
main enemy.

the Okhrana’s greatest successes was placing their agent Roman Ma-
linovskiy, code name “Portnoi” (Tailor), in the center of the Bolshe-
vik Party. Malinovskiy was highly regarded within the party and
was elected to the Russian Duma. Deeply respected by Vladimir
Lenin, who repeatedly sent him on confidential missions inside and
outside Russia, Malinovskiy served as the party’s contact with major
financial donors. Control of Malinovskiy allowed the Okhranato
monitor the party.
Lenin defended Malinovskiy as a loyal comrade and close personal
friend even after evidence appeared in the European press and the
tsarist archives of his treachery. When Malinovskiy returned to Rus-
sia in 1918, he was arrested, immediately tried, found guilty, and shot
the evening of his trial, one year to the day after the Bolshevik Rev-
olution had brought his former comrades to power.

MALLY, THEODORE STEPANOVICH (?–1938). Possibly the
greatest of the great Soviet illegalsof the 1930s, Mally traveled a
path that led him from one church militant to another, and to a mar-
tyr’s death. Captured on the Eastern Front during World War I,
Mally, who had been ordained as a Roman Catholic deacon before
entering the Hungarian army as an officer, joined the Bolsheviksand
the Cheka. Following the civil war, he went abroad to recruit and
run agents in England. He was fondly remembered by Kim Philbyas
the gentle man who taught him how to spy. Mally was a very careful
operations officer, and his frequent complaints to Moscow about his
inadequate cover prompted suspicions.
Despite his success in recruiting agents in the British establish-
ment, Mally was recalled to Moscow by Nikolai Yezhov. Mally ap-
parently knew he was going to his death; he told a friend who had re-


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