Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

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a competent and brave intelligence officer; he met agents on the
streets of Tehran during the Iranian Revolution. It was his fate to be
promoted to the top of his service when the system he had served for
three decades was collapsing. His memoirs, Ruka Moskvy(The Hand
of Moscow), portrayed the problems of the KGB both operationally
and politically.

joined the Komsomol (Young Communist League) in 1939 and rose
very quickly in the organization during the Great Patriotic War.
From 1952 to 1958 he was the Komsomol first secretary, and he was
a minor ally of Nikita Khrushchevin Khrushchev’s power struggle
with conservatives. On 25 December 1958, Khrushchev appointed
Shelepin to head theKGBas part of his move to solidify Commu-
nist Partycontrol of the security service. During his three years as
KGB chair, Shelepin had a reputation as a hardliner on domestic and
foreign policy issues. He clashed with Aleksandr Korotkov, the rezi-
dentin Berlin, over the recruitment of agents, and he pushed hard for
policies that would guarantee the security of East Berlin. His advice
was significant in Khrushchev’s decision to build the Berlin Wall.
Shelepin also played a key role in the modernization of the KGB’s
active measures. He ordered the creation of Service D within the
First Chief Directorate to coordinate active measures suggested by
KGB overseas components. Shelepin ordered the chief of Service D,
Ivan Agayants, to target West German and American politicians in
an effort to damage the NATO alliance.
As KGB boss, Shelepin apparently did far more harm than good.
He appointed young Komsomol activists to management-level posi-
tions in the KGB, replacing experienced Chekists. He fought with
senior managers in foreign intelligence over tradecraftissues, which
created problems for the KGB in Germany. Most of all, Shelepin was
disliked for using the KGB as part of his ambitious scheme to rise to
the top of the Communist Party.
In January 1961 Shelepin left the KGB to work in the Central
Committee Secretariat, and he convinced Khrushchev to appoint his
protégé and successor in the Komsomol, Vladimir Semichastniy, to
succeed him as head of the KGB. Shelepin played a key role in the
coup that brought Leonid Brezhnevto power in October 1964. His


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