Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

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against Nazi Germany. Spain also was a venue for the services to re-
cruit idealistic anti-Fascists for operations in Europe and North
America. One Soviet intelligence officer noted in his memoirs:
“Spain was sort of a children’s playground where we perfected many
of our later espionage techniques.”

SPECIAL DEPARTMENT. Joseph Stalin created a special depart-
ment in the Central Committee secretariat to manage the security
services and the armed forces. The department, occasionally re-
ferred to as Stalin’s personal secretariat, acted as his watchdog over
the secret service. In the early 1930s Nikolai Yezhovestablished
the bureaucracy. For the rest of Stalin’s life, the department was
managed by Aleksandr Poskrebyshev, whom Nikita Khrushchev
sarcastically identified in his Secret Speech as “Stalin’s loyal
shield bearer.” Following Stalin’s death in 1953, Poskrebyshev and
Stalin’s other secret servants were placed under house arrest and
then pensioned off. Most of the functions of the Special Department
were assigned to the Administrative Organs Departmentof the
Communist Party’s Central Committee.

for Spesialnogo naznacheniya(Special Designation). Early in the So-
viet era, the Soviet military intelligence (GRU) and security services
developed the Special Designation forces to operate deep in the en-
emy’s rear and sow terror and confusion with sabotage and assassi-
nation. In the early 1920s, the Fourth Bureau of the Soviet General
Staff trained terrorists and partisansfrom several nations. German
communists were prepared during this period to seize power. Their
coup in 1923 fizzled as the German working class stayed out of the
fight. Beginning in the 1930s, the Red Army developed a doctrine of
unconventional warfare, featuring the use of Spetznaz troops. During
the Spanish Civil War, GRU and NKVDcadres trained Spanish Re-
publican forces in unconventional warfare with great success.
The GRU’s success in the Spanish Civil War in partisan warfare
convinced senior military officers of the greater need for troops
schooled in guerrilla warfare and terrorism. During the Great Patri-
otic War, Spetznazforces took part in operations on all fronts, and


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