Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

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  • Y –

YAGODA, GENRYKH GRIGOREVICH (1891–1938).The chief in-
stigator of the purges of the 1930s, Yagoda was eventually replaced
for ideological and operational failures. Yagoda grew up in a family
of radicals; his father manufactured documents for left-wing parties.
Yagoda joined the anarchists at age 16 and was a member of several
anarchist “fighting commands.” He joined the Bolsheviksin the
summer of 1917 and served in the Red Army for the next two years.
Yagoda joined the Chekain 1919 and proved to be a merciless ad-
ministrator of the Red Terror. In 1920–1921 he took part in crush-
ing a mass peasant revolt in Tambov. Ten years later, he played a crit-
ical role in collectivization, again employing troops against peasant
rebels. Yagoda also established the forced labor empire for building
the Belomor Canaland other projects. In 1931 he was appointed
deputy chief of the service, and in July 1934 he replacedVyacheslav
Menzhinskyas head of the NKVD. Joseph Stalinapparently had a
low personal opinion of Yagoda, who had repeatedly been charged
with corruption during his years in the security service. But Stalin ap-
parently believed he could control and manipulate Yagoda as he be-
gan his purge of the Communist Party.
During the next two years, Yagoda at Stalin’s behest moved against
dissidentsin the party. Many scholars believe he took an active part
in organizing the assassination of Sergei Kirovon 1 December 1934,
which set off the purges. Following Kirov’s death, the NKVD was
given power to arrest, try, and execute enemies of the people. Yagoda
took advantage of the law to order the arrest and executionof thou-
sands of men and women. Yagoda, however, was far too slow in pur-
suing enemies of the regime for Stalin, who demanded that Yagoda
provide confessions from Old Bolsheviks that they were spies and
terrorists. In the summer of 1936, Stalin in a public note to the Cen-
tral Committee called for Yagoda’s replacement and an intensifica-
tion of the purge.
Yagoda was transferred to a minor post and became people’s com-
missar of communications in September 1936. When Stalin saw him
at a social function in late 1936, he reportedly asked why “that crea-
ture was hanging around.” Six months later, in March 1937, Yagoda


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