Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

(backadmin) #1
Appendix C

Russian Foreign Intelligence Organizations,



20 December 1920 Foreign Intelligence Section, Cheka
6 February 1922 Foreign Intelligence Section, GPU
2 November 1923 Foreign Intelligence Section, OGPU
10 July 1934 Seventh Section of the State Directorate
of State Security of NKVD
July 1939 In connection with a reorganization of the
NKVD, reformed as the Fifth Section
February 1941 Reformed as the First Directorate of NKGB
as part of the division of NKVD into NKVD
and NKGB
March 1946 Reformed into the MGB as First Directorate
1947 First Directorate of MGB and GRU combined
into the Komitet Informatsii
January 1952 Foreign Intelligence placed into the MGB as
First Chief Directorate
March 1953 First Chief Directorate transferred to the newly
minted KGB
November 1991 Following August putsch, KGB is disbanded
and the First Chief Directorate becomes the
Central Intelligence Service (TsSR) of Russia
18 December 1991 Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian
Federation (SVR) is formed

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