Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

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Appendix G

Venona Code Names and Encryption


The NKVD rezidenturasin New York, Washington, and San Francisco
used code names to refer to case officers, agents, places, targets, and
even personnel in Moscow. For example, a cable from the Washington
rezidenturato Foreign Intelligence chief Pavel Fitin would be signed
Maksim (Zarubin) and would be addressed to Viktor (Fitin). Sometimes
humor entered into the designations: Boris Moros, an agent in Los An-
geles and later an FBI agent, was referred to in code as “Frost.” The
Russian word Morozmeans “Frost.”

Venona Code Name Real Name
Ales Alger Hiss
Babylon San Francisco
Caliber David Greenglass
Camp 2 Los Alamos
Clever Girl Elizabeth Bentley
Liszt John Carincross
Carthage Washington, D.C.
Compatriot Communist Party member
Enormoz (Enormous) Nuclear weapons program
Father Earl Browder
Funicular Atom bomb
Gus (Goose) Harry Gold
Helmsman Earl Browder
Homer (Gomer) Donald Maclean
Hotel Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
Koch Douglas Chaplin Lee
Izba (Hut) Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Kaptan (Captain) President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lawyer Harry Dexter White

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