Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

(backadmin) #1
Soviet Intelligence and Nuclear Weapons
Soviet Intelligence in the United States, 1920s–1950s
The Great Patriotic War
Operation Barbarossa
Partisan War
Soviet Services in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, 1944–1953
Cold War Crises
Berlin, 1945–1989
Cuba, 1959–1990
Poland, 1956–1990
Prague, 1948–1990
The KGB, 1954–1991
KGB versus the Western Intelligence Services, 1954–1991
The KGB and Human Rights: The Dissidents
Russian Intelligence, 1991 to the Present


Andrews, Christopher, and Oleg Gordievsky, eds. Instructions from the Center:
Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations 1975–1985. Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1993.
———. More Instructions from the Center. London: Frank Cass, 1993.
Central Intelligence Agency. The Rote Kapelle: The CIA’s History of Soviet In-
telligence and Espionage Networks in Western Europe, 1936–1945. Wash-
ington, D.C.: University Publications of America, 1984.
———. “Annual Report to Congress on the Safety and Security of Russian Nu-
clear Facilities and Military Forces.” Washington, D.C.: National Intelli-
gence Council. May 2004. http://www.internet.cia/nic/Specialrussiannuke04.
Cold War International History Project Bulletins. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow
Wilson Center, 1990.
Khronika tekushchikh sobytii(Chronicle of Current Events). Helsinki Group.
Khveniuk, O. V. Stalinskoe politburo-30e gody: Sbornik dokumentov(The Stal-
inist Politburo in the 1930s: Collection of Documents). Moscow: AIR O-XX,
Knight, Amy. “Russian Archives: Opportunities and Obstacles.” International
Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence12, no. 3 (1999).
Leningradskiy martirolog, 1937–1938(List of People Martyred in Leningrad,
1937–1938). St. Petersburg: Akademiya, 1995.


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