Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

(backadmin) #1
Partisan War
Andrianov, V. N. Voina v tyly vraga(War in the Enemy’s Rear). Moscow: Poliz-
dat, 1974.
Andreyev, Catherine. Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Movement. Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Armstrong, John A. Soviet Partisans in World War II. Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1964.
Browning, Christopher R. The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of
Nazi Jewish Policy September 1939–March 1942. Lincoln: University of Ne-
braska Press, 2004.
Dallin, Alexander. German Rule in Russia, 1941–1945. London: Macmillan,
Fischer, George. Soviet Opposition to Hitler. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 1952.
Grenkevich, Leonid. The Soviet Partisan Movement. London: Frank Cass,
Khristoforov, V. S., et al.Lubyanka v dni bitvy za Moskvu: Materialy organov
gosbezopasnosti SSSR iz tsentralnovo arkhiva FSB(Lubyanka in the Days of
the Battle for Moscow: Material from the Organs of State Security USSR
from the Central Archive of the FSB Russia). Moscow: Izdatelskiy Dom
Zvonnitsa MG, 2002.
Kovpak, S. S. Our Partisan Course. London: Hutchinson, 1947.
Ponomarenko, P. K. Vsenarodnaya borba v tyly nemetsko-fashistkikh za-
khvatchikov, 1941–1944(All People’s Struggle in the German-Fascist In-
vaders’ Rear Areas, 1941–1944). Moscow: Nauka, 1985.
Raach, R. C. “With Smersh in Berlin: New Light on the Incomplete History of
the Fuhrer and the Vozhd.” World Affairs154, no. 2 (1991).
Reitlinger, Gerald. The House Built on Sand: The Conflicts of German Policy
in Russia, 1939–1945. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1960.
Shepher, Ben. War in the Wild East: The German Army and Soviet Partisans.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004.

Soviet Services in Eastern Europe
and the Baltic States, 1944–1953
Berkhoff, Karl. Harvest of Despair: Life and Death of the Ukraine under So-
viet Rule. New York: Belknap, 2004.
Davis, Norman. Rising ’44: The Battle for Warsaw. New York: Viking, 2004.
Djilas, Milovan. Tito: The Story from Inside. New York: Harcourt, Brace and
Jovanovich, 1980.


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