Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

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Gribianski, Leonid, and Norman Naimark. The Establishment of Communist
Regimes in Eastern Europe. Boulder, Colo: Westview, 1997.
Lashmar, Paul. Spy Flights of the Cold War. London: Sutton, 1996.
Mark, Eduard. Revolution by Degrees: Stalin’s National Front Strategy for Eu-
rope, 1941–1947. Cold War International History Project. Working paper 31
Mastny, Vojtech. Russia’s Road to the Cold War: Diplomacy, Warfare, and the
Politics of Communism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979.
Molnar, Miklos. From Bela Kun to Janos Kadar: Seventy Years of Hungarian
Communism. New York: St. Martin’s, 1990.
Moynihan, Daniel. Secrecy: The American Experience. New Haven, Conn.:
Yale University Press, 1998.
Parish, Scott D., and Mikhail M. Narinsky. New Evidence on the Soviet Rejec-
tion of the Marshall Plan, 1947. Cold War International History Project.
Working paper 9 (1994).
Pechatnov, Vladimir O. The Big Three after World War II: New Documents on
Soviet Thinking about Relations with the United States and Great Britain.
Cold War International History Project. Working paper 13 (1995).
Rosenberg, Tina. The Haunted Land. New York: Random House, 1995.
Treml, Vladimir G. “Western Analysis and the Soviet Policymaking Process.”
In Watching the Bear: Essays on CIA’s Analysis of the Soviet Union, ed. Ger-
ald K. Haines and Robert E. Leggett. Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligen-
nce Agency, Center for the Study of Intelligence, 2003.
Zubok, Vladimir, and Constantine Pleshkov. Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War: From
Stalin to Khrushchev. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996.

Arnold, Anthony. The Fateful Pebble: Afghanistan’s Role in the Fall of the So-
viet Union. Novato, Calif.: Presidio, 1993.
Bradsher, Henry. Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. Durham, N.C.: Duke Uni-
versity Press, 1985.
“Cold War in the Third World and the Collapse of Détente.” Cold War Interna-
tional History Project Bulletinno. 8/9 (2001). Contains Communist Party
Central Committee documents on the decision to intervene in Afghanistan,
including meeting notes and memoranda.
Ghaus, Abdul Samad. The Fall of Afghanistan: An Insider’s Account. Washing-
ton, D.C.: Pergamon-Brassey, 1988.
Grau, Lester W. The Bear Went over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in
Afghanistan. London: Frank Cass, 1998.
Grau, Lester W., and Michael A. Gress. The Soviet Afghan War: How a Super-
power Fought and Lost. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002.


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