Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

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Bukovsky, Vladimir. To Build a Castle: My Life as a Dissenter. New York:
Viking, 1978.
Garrard, John, and Carol Garrard. The Bones of Berdichev: The Life and Fate
of Vasily Grossman. New York: Free Press, 1996.
Grigorenko, Petro. Memoirs. New York: Norton, 1982.
Hill, Kent R. The Puzzle of the Soviet Church. Portland, Ore.: Multnomah, 1989.
Kopelev, Lev. No Jail for Thought. London: Secker and Warburg, 1977. Pub-
lished in the United States as To Be Preserved Forever.
Krasin, Viktor. Sud(The Trial.) New York: Chalidze Foundation, 1983.
Labedz, Leopold, and Max Hayward. On Trial: The Case of Sinyavsky and
Daniel. London: Collins Harvil, 1967.
Laurie, Richard. Sakharov. Hanover, N.H.: Brandeis University Press, 2002.
Plyushch, Leonid. History’s Carnival. New York: Doubleday, 1979.
Reddaway, Peter, ed. and trans. Uncensored Russia: Protest and Dissent in the
Soviet Union (The Unofficial Journal: A Chronicle of Current Events). New
York: McGraw Hill, 1972.
Reddaway, Peter, and Sidney Bloch. Russia’s Political Hospitals. London: Fu-
tura, 1978.
Rubenstein, Joshua, and Alexander Gribanov, ed. The KGB File on Andrei
Sakharov. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2005.
Sakharov, Andrei. Memoirs. New York: Knopf, 1990.
Scammel, Michael. The Solzhenitsyn Files. Chicago: Edition Q, 1995.
Shentalinsky, Vitaly. KGB’s Literary Archive. London: Havill, 1995.
Simis, Konstantin. USSR: The Corrupt Society. New York: Simon and Schus-
ter, 1982.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. The Oak and the Calf. London: Collins and Harvil,
Thomas, D. M. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Century in His Life. New York: St.
Martin’s, 1998.


Alibek, Ken, and Stephen Handelman. Biohazard. New York: Random House,
Ebron, Martin. KGB: Death and Rebirth. New York: Praeger, 1994.
Friedman, Robert I. Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America.
Boston: Little, Bown, 2000.
Gurov, Aleksandr. Krasnaya mafiya(Red Mafia). Moscow: Samozvet, 1995.
Handelman, Stephen. Comrade Criminal: The Theft of the Second Russian Rev-
olution. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995.


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