Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence

(Martin Jones) #1
formation and allowing individuals to request access to government
information about themselves or public issues. Under the terms of the
act, government agencies must release that information in a timely
fashion if they have it, unless the information falls within a narrow set
of exceptions. The law requires government agencies to search their
records, examine documents for information that may not be released
(such as classified data), and release the remaining information to the
requestor. In 1996, Congress passed the “Electronic Freedom of In-
formation Amendments” to the law that incorporated digital and other
electronic data in the act’s coverage. Since the enactment of the FOIA
in 1966, the number of requests has virtually exploded, such that most
government agencies now have substantial backlogs. According to a
2003 report by the Government Accounting Office (GAO), only the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has made steady progress each
year since 1998 in reducing its backlog of pending cases.

the federal security service of the Russian Federation and a successor
to the Soviet KGB. The FSB is responsible largely for domestic se-
curity and intelligence while its sister agency, the SVRR, focuses on
external intelligence.

FUBELT (OPERATION).FUBELTwas a secret Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) program to block the election of Salvador Allendeas
president of Chilein 1970. In the run-up to the election, the CIAem-
ployed propaganda, disinformation, and scare tactics in its attempt
to persuade Chileans not to vote for the Social Democrats and Al-
lende. It also spent over $2 million to prop up the Christian Demo-
crats. In addition, FUBELTenvisaged a possible coup in the event of
Allende’s election. Coup planning included contacting like-minded
Chilean military officers, providing them weapons, conducting prop-
aganda to create the political conditions for a coup, and taking ac-
tions to destabilize Chile’s economy. Even so, FUBELT failed to
bring down President Allende. Operation FUBELT was supplanted
by National Security Decision Memorandum 93, issued by the Na-
tional Security Council(NSC), in November 1970.



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