Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence

(Martin Jones) #1
After a stroke in 1869, Pinkerton left the management of his detec-
tive agency to his sons and focused on writing several books, which
extolled his achievements as an intelligence master sleuth.

PINOCHET, AUGUSTO (1915– ). General Augusto Jose Ramon
Pinochet Ugarte was the head of the military government that ruled
Chile from 1973 until 1990. Pinochet came to power with the ouster
of President Salvador Allendeon 11 September 1973 and quickly
consolidated power by organizing a military junta, which proclaimed
Pinochet president on 27 June 1974. Pinochet’s government insti-
tuted market-oriented economic policies and set out systematically to
repress its political opponents though mass arrests and murders. No
one really knows how many people “disappeared” for opposing the
Pinochet government, but estimates run into several thousand. De-
spite repression, opposition to the Pinochet government during the
1980s grew to such an extent that Pinochet was compelled to sched-
ule a plebiscite on 5 October 1988, which went against his govern-
ment. The general left the presidency on 11 March 1990 but contin-
ued as the commander in chief of the army. In 1998, while traveling
abroad, Pinochet was arrested on a Spanish warrant of torturing
Spanish citizens, but the British court refused to extradite him on hu-
manitarian grounds. Pinochet returned to Chile, and on 20 July 2004,
a Chilean court began an investigation into the origins of Pinochet’s
funds for fraud, misappropriation of official money, and bribery.

PLAUSIBLE DENIAL. Plausible denial refers to a coverstory em-
ployed to deflect attribution from the United States government, es-
pecially the president, for covert intelligence activities. Prior to the
imposition of the findingrequirement, most covert actionscon-
tained elements of plausible deniability. However, the finding
process, which requires the president to certify over his signature that
the covert action is in the national interest of the United States, has
made plausible denial redundant. Covert action programs must still
maintain secrecy, but findings now attribute covert operations di-
rectly to the president.

PLOUGHSHARES (PROGRAM).The Ploughshares program was in-
tended to explore the nonmilitary uses of explosive nuclear devices.


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