Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence

(Martin Jones) #1
MacEachin, Douglas J. The Final Months of the War with Japan: Signals Intel-
ligence, U.S. Invasion Planning, and the A-Bomb Decision. Washington,
D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, 1998.
May, Ernest R., ed. American Cold War Strategy: Interpreting NSC 68. Boston:
Bedford Books, 1993.
Milano, James V., and Patrick Brogan. Soldiers, Spies, and the Rat Line: Amer-
ica’s Undeclared War against the Soviets. Washington, D.C.: Brassey’s,
Mitrovich, Gregory. Undermining the Kremlin: America’s Strategy to Subvert
the Soviet Bloc, 1947–1956. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2000.
Prados, John. Keepers of the Keys: A History of the National Security Council
from Truman to Bush. New York: Morrow, 1991.
Sander, Alfred Dick. A Staff for the President: The Executive Office,
1921–1952. Boulder, Colo.: Greenwood, 1989.
Sibley, Katherine A. S. Red Spies in America, Stolen Secrets and the Dawn of
the Cold War. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2004.
Simpson, Christopher. Blowback—America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its
Effects on the Cold War. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988.
Steury, Donald P. “Tracking Nazi ‘Gold’: The OSS and Project SAFEHAVEN.”
Studies in Intelligence9 (Summer 2000): 35–50.
Valero, Larry A. “An Impressive Record: The American Joint Intelligence
Committee and Estimates of the Soviet Union, 1945–1947.” Studies in Intel-
ligence9 (Summer 2000): 65–80.
Warner, Michael. The CIA under Harry Truman. Washington, D.C.: Central In-
telligence Agency, 1994.
Wilford, Hugh. The CIA, the British Left, and the Cold War. Portland, Ore.:
Frank Cass, 2003.
Zegart, Amy B. Flawed by Design: The Evolution of the CIA, JCS, and NSC.
Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1999.
Ziegler, Charles A. “Intelligence Assessments of Soviet Atomic Capability,
1945–1949: Myths, Monopolies and Maskirovka.” Intelligence and National
Security12, no. 4 (October 1997): 1–24.


  1. General
    Alin, Erika. The United States and the 1958 Lebanon Crisis. Lanham, Md.:
    University Press of America, 1994.
    Alsop, Joseph W. “I’ve Seen the Best of It”: Memoirs. With Adam Platt. New
    York: Norton, 1992.


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