Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence

(Martin Jones) #1
Blight, James G. The Shattered Crystal Ball: Fear and Learning in the Cuban
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Blight, James G., and David A. Welch, eds. Intelligence and the Cuban Missile
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———. On the Brink: Americans and Soviets Reexamine the Cuban Missile Cri-
sis. New York: Hill & Wang, 1989.
———. “Risking ‘The Destruction of Nations’: Lessons of the Cuban Missile
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Blight, James G., Bruce J. Allyn, and David A. Welch. Cuba on the Brink: Cas-
tro, the Missile Crisis, and the Soviet Collapse. New York: Pantheon, 1993.
Blight, James G., David Lewis, and David A. Welch, eds. Cuba Between the Su-
perpowers: The Antigua Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis.Provi-
dence, R.I.: Thomas J. Watson Jr., Institute for International Studies, Brown
University, 1991.
Blight, James G., Joseph S. Nye Jr., and David A. Welch. “The Cuban Missile
Crisis Revisited.” Foreign Affairs60, no. 4 (Fall 1987): 170–88.
Brugioni, Dino A. Eyeball to Eyeball: The Inside Story of the Cuban Missile
Crisis. New York: Random House, 1991.
———. “The Invasion of Cuba.” Quarterly Journal of Military History4, no. 2
(Winter 1992): 92–101.
Brune, Lester. The Missile Crisis of October 1962: A Review of Issues and Ref-
erences. Claremont, Calif.: Regina Books, 1985.
Caldwell, Dan, ed. “Cuban Missile Affair and the American Style of Crisis
Management.” Parameters19 (April 1989): 170–88.
———. “Department of Defense Operations during the Cuban Missile Crisis: A
Report by Adam Yarmolinsky, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense,
13 February 1963.” Naval War College Review32 (July–August 1979): 83–99.
Christol, C. Q., and C. R. Davis. “Maritime Quarantine: The Naval Interdiction
of Offensive Weapons and Associated Material to Cuba, 1962.” American
Journal of International Law57 (July 1963): 525–45.
Cline, Ray S. “The Cuban Missile Crisis.” Foreign Affairs68, no. 4 (Fall 1989):
Crane, Robert D. “The Cuban Crisis: AStrategic Analysis of American and So-
viet Policy.” Orbis6 (Winter 1963): 528–63.
Daniel, James, and John G. Hubbell. Strike in the West: The Complete Story of
the Cuban Crisis. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963.
Detzer, David. The Brink: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. New York: Crow-
ell, 1979.
Divine, Robert A., ed. The Cuban Missile Crisis. New York: Quadrangle, 1988.


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