500 Tips for TESOL Teachers

(Martin Jones) #1
7 Remind learners of their responsibilities. Self-access can only make a
meaningful contribution to a course if learners use it steadily over a period
of time. The danger is that learners may not start using self-access materials,
with other pressures on them to do coursework where it would be noticed if
they did not do it. Encourage them to schedule regular time each week to
work through their self-access materials, rather than leaving such work until
they think it might be checked.
8 Make sure that self-access is not seen as marginal by learners. Clarify
how the outcomes of independent learning will be assessed, and explain how
the self-access materials contribute to the resourcing of the programme as a
9 Encourage learners to use particular sets of materials more than once.
The second time they work through such materials will take them much less
time than their first attempt. However, if there has been a decent gap in
between the result will be that they will find out for themselves which parts
they have already mastered, and which parts warrant some extra attention.
10 Design assignments based on the self-access materials. These will help
you to see how learners are progressing with the materials, and will also
force learners into doing some work with them. More importantly, you will
be able to see from learners’ answers to the assignments if they have any
problems with the independent learning elements of your course.


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