501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. a. The author contrasts the public’s dismissal of the arcane practice
    of wearing garlic with its increasing acceptance of herbal reme-

  2. b.In this context, conventionalrefers to the established system of
    Western medicine or biomedicine.

  3. d.Choice ais overly general and choice bis too negative to be
    inferred from the survey’s findings. Choice cis incorrect—the
    author does not mention the “baby boom” age group, but that
    does not imply that the survey does not include it. The survey
    does not support the prediction in choice e.

  4. a. The statistic illustrates the popularity of alternative therapies
    without giving any specific information as to why.

  5. e. The author states that Americans are not replacing conventional
    healthcare but are adding to or supplementing it with alternative

  6. d.The shortcomings of conventional healthcare mentioned in lines
    30–35 are the time constraints of managed care(line 31), focus on tech-
    nology(line 32), and inability to relieve symptoms associated with
    chronic disease(line 34).

  7. a. The author states that once scientific investigation has confirmed their
    safety and efficacy(lines 37–38), alternative therapies may be
    accepted by the medical establishment.

  8. b.The author gives evidence of observational studies to show that
    garlic may be beneficial. Choice dis incorrect, however, because
    the author emphasizes that these findings have not been confirmed in
    clinical studies(lines 51–52).

  9. d.The passage does not offer a criticism or argument about alterna-
    tive healthcare, but rather reports on the phenomenon with some

  10. a. The article raises the question, Could the dietary recommendations of
    the last twenty years be wrong?(lines 10–11).

  11. d.The author expresses her objection by depicting the medical
    experts as extreme, ridicul[ing](line 2) one diet while extolling(line

3) another.

  1. c. Choices aand dare alternate definitions that do not apply to the
    passage. The author uses gospel(line 8) with its religious implica-
    tions as an ironic statement, implying that scientists accepted a
    premise based on faith instead of on evidence.

  2. e. The author begins with Fact(line 14) to introduce and highlight
    statistical information. She or he does not speculate about the
    meaning of the statistics until the next paragraph.

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