501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. a. The author names a sedentary lifestyle of TV watching and Internet
    surfing(lines 24–25) as a contributing factor to the rise in
    obesity rates.

  2. b.The passage suggests that the 1979 dietary guidelines responded
    to a theory that dietary fat(line 34) increases heart disease.

  3. b.The passage describes the anti-fat message as oversimplified(lines
    48–49) and goes on to cite the importance of certain beneficial
    types of fat found in olive oil and nuts (lines 38–39).

  4. c. This example supports the claim that the body uses refined carbo-
    hydrates in much the same way(lines 42–43) that it does sweets.

  5. e. Lines 42–43 support this statement.

  6. d.The last sentence is ironic—it expresses an incongruity between
    conflicting dietary advice that targets different types of food as
    unhealthy, and the reality that humans need to eat.

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