501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. Frankenstein would be most upset by Dr. Moreau’s
    a. indifference to suffering.
    c. great achievements.
    d.education of animals.
    e.choice of the human form.

  2. Which of the following best expresses Frankenstein’s and Moreau’s
    attitudes toward science?
    a. Both believe science can be dangerous.
    b.Frankenstein believes science should have a tangible applica-
    tion; Moreau believes scientific knowledge should be sought for
    its own sake.
    c. Frankenstein believes scientists should not harm living crea-
    tures in an experiment; Moreau believes it is acceptable to
    inflict pain on other creatures.
    d.Both men believe scientists should justify their work.
    e.Both men believe the greatest discoveries often take place in


  1. b.The wego to school, so the reference must be to school-aged chil-
    dren. In addition, the passage contrasts the we’swith the respectable
    boysand the rich ones (lines 2–3), so the we’sare neither wealthy nor

  2. a. The author and his classmates go to school through lanes and back
    streets(line 1) to avoid the students who go to school dressed in
    warm and respectableclothing. He also states in lines 15–16 that
    they are ashamed of the way we look, implying that they are poorly

  3. d.The boys would get into fights if the rich boys were to utter
    derogatory words or pass remarks.

  4. c. While the quote here does show how the author’s school masters
    talked, it has a more important function: to show that his school
    masters reinforced the class system by telling the author and his
    classmates to stay in their place and not challenge the existing
    class structure.

  5. e. The author “knows,” based only on the fact of which school the
    boys attend, what they will be when they grow up—the
    respectable boys will have the administrative jobs (lines 5–6) while

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